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Few days later

We sat all together, all the boys and our brains and a few men.

"Alright, so we have men hunting us down. Like us, we have shall we say... Hitmen. And they're out for our blood, so how do we get rid of them? Easy, we get them before they find us. The last thing we need is them finding out our new den," Harry speaks.

"Harry we're in Los Angeles, we can't do very much without people seeing, " Liam says.

"Point made, but lets be honest here. The police system sucks and they know better than to get involved with the Mafia," Harry scoffs.

I had to admit, he had a point.

"So what do we do? Do we even know where these guys are at?" asked Louis.

"Yes we do, we go tonight," Harry announces.

We are all excused, and I grab my gun and knifes and whatever I needed. Danger seemed to be a daily job here, it's rather tiring but it does keep you on your toes.

It was almost midnight and we're announced to leave.

Word has it by the brains that my father's men were at a club. So they'll be drinking, and most likely won't see it.

We all had to dress as if we were going to the club. Each of us had to arrive either in a small group or alone at different times. Once everyone has arrived we attack. Harry is to be the last one, since they know his face.

I just wore jeans, a tank top, and a blazer as I was Marcus tonight. I grabbed my ski mask and stuffed in my bag along with my gun and weapons. I met up with Liam and Niall and we left.

We arrived at the club, hiding our weapons under our clothes we head inside. They don't check us so we just go inside easily.

I stand with Niall, he starts drinking the moment we get inside.

"We're here to get a job done, not drink," Liam snaps.

Niall shrugs, "I can still drink if I want to, I'll be fine."

"Juli-I mean Marcus. Come with me to search the area," Liam says. I nod and followed close behind.

We hurried along between people pressed together, who were so-called dancing.

"I found one," I say. And Liam and I looked over, and we see one man who we saw drinking and talking to several women.

Liam keeps a close eye, "The rest should be around, keep close."

we continued walking, and once more found three more of them drinking quite heavily but I could one of the men have a gun on him. They'll definitely give up a fight.

My phone rings and I pulled it out, "Harry," I whisper to Liam. He looks over and nods.

"Hello? " I answer.

"5 more minutes, have you found anyone?" he speaks in a low voice.

"Yeah, I think we've found six," I said.

"Good, be ready. The moment I arrive, we begin," Harry says.

I hung up, and looked at Liam and I held up five fingers. He nods and muttered, "Go get Niall."

I push through people and I see Niall flirting with some petite brunette.

I walk in between them and I said, "five minutes, you can flirt later."

I looked over to the girl who glared at me and strutted away mumbling, "asshole."

Niall took one last shot, unaware of what she said. He got up and smiled down at me, "ready for some fun?"

We trailed back to Liam, who was now with Zayn. Louis was still patrolling the place with a few other men. We walked to the bathroom areas which were mostly empty, we all pulled out our masks and waited where no one can see us.

One minute.

We waited in silence for our signal.


My phone rings, Harry's name and it's show time.

We all pull out our guns head into the dance floor and shoot up in the air.

Screams and shrills of people erupt. People start running in all directions,i looked over to the group of three men, as two pulled out guns I shot one to ten floor and Liam takes down the other two.

Men start shooting in all directions, we didn't know if it was the enemy or in our group. We just continued shooting, the air grew thick and I took off my jacket and threw it on the floor. I ran behind the bar, and took shelter.

The place was nearly empty except the people shooting each other.

I was by myself, and that was a bad idea as I saw several men near me. I ran to the other direction, shooting at them seeing a few fall down. Blood was on the dance floor.

I all of a sudden was punched in the cheek, and dragged to the floor and my eyes looked up to a gun looking down at me. He fell within a few seconds, Harry grabbed my hand and got me to my feet.

"Stay on your toes!" he yells.

We kept shooting at different men, and then suddenly a man ran behind Harry and punched the back of Harry's head knocking him out. I looked at the man and I raised my gun and shot his leg,when the man looked up and my heart stopped.

"You son of a-" I whispered to myself.

He screwed in pain and all I wanted to do was shoot him in the heart but I didn't have the heart.

I raised my gun and hit him in the back of the head with it, knocking him out.

After realizing what's happening I ran towards Harry and shook him.

"Harry wake up!" I snapped. I kept shaking him until his eyes fluttered open, "get up! " He realized it was me and jumped to his feet.

Sirens sounded and someone yelled, "the law!"

And my father's men started to flee and so did our men.

I looked back at who I shot and saw he was still knocked out, and I felt a grab on my wrist and Harry tugged on me running towards the exit.

We ran to the closest car, which happened to be Liam's. I looked around to see where Liam went and I spot him jumping into Louis's car with Zayn and one for the guy.

I see Niall running towards our car and the moment he jumped in, Harry sped into the streets.

Niall was trying to catch his breath and he suddenly chuckles, "we never really do have good plans do we?"

Harry snapped, "Niall shut up."

"Sorry, but just saying... " he says. And he glanced at me and asked, "Julia are you okay?"

I shook my head, "okay is an understatement."

"I thought you would be use to moments like these," Niall says.

I let out a breath, "I am, just... Saw someone I remembered."

Harry's attention now grew towards me, and Niall seemed eager, "who?"

Memories flashed of that asshole.

"My ex-fiance," I say.

Sorta short chapter, kind of a shitty chapter, oops.

I'll be updating more this week and next week because I'm finally in spring break! and the song for the chapter is Milk and Cookies, lol idk if it actually goes with the chapter but I kept singing the song while I wrote this so... yeah. And the gif, I thought it was funny and fit the chapter well too.

sorry if it sucked, but please vote if you want.

I also have a question for you guys. Do you think Harry is starting to warm up to Julia?

Love you all,

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