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The man was groaning in agony as Louis and I held him up, leading him into the den. When a guy saw us, he took over and carried the spy into the middle of the main area of the den. He was thrown to the floor and Harry and the rest were fetched.

The man looked up and looked around, he spots me, "well I thought you were dead."

"Who?" I asked.

"I'm not stupid princess, you're Julio's missing daughter," he chuckles.

"Shut up," Louis says and kicks the man on his wound.

I didn't say anything as I stared at him scream in pain again, the screams die down and Harry comes out with the boys close behind him. He looked pissed, as I expected.

"Who's this?" asks Harry.

Louis looks at him, "I reckon a spy from Julio."

The man's breathing was heavy and hoarse as he tried to stay conscious, "So you're Styles. Julio and the pit are quite interested in you," he says painfully.

"I figure if they sent you to spy on us. How do they know where we are located at?" Harry watches the man carefully.

"They don't, I figure it out myself. You're lucky the little man shot me before I told them," he chuckles. Louis grows angry, "little? You want me to shoot your eye out next?"

I stand in front of Louis, "chill your ass Louis." He grumbles but quiets down.

"Have you told them anything?" I then asked.

"Nope, I was shot remember doll face?" and this time it was Harry that kicked the man's wound. "Fine! I mentioned to them I was following you, but they don't know where you're located at."

"That's all?" questions Harry, once more.

The man is in tears from the pain, "yes."

"Alright, Liam you know what to do," Harry waves his hands and Liam pulls out his gun and shoots the spy right through the skull several times. Harry looks at one of our men, "dispose of him." We all turn around and start back to our normal routine. Harry walks towards me, "you've got a late night job, get your stuff and go to my office."

I was tired and it was late, he's seriously gonna make me do dangerous shit when I'm half asleep? I mentally complained on my way to his office, when I arrived all the boys were there and a few brains, including new recruit Austin.

"What are we doing here?" I asked.

"Dunno," Liam shrugs.

Harry walks in, and looks at all of us, "well as you know we need some more cash, especially if we plan to upgrading enough to prevent things like spies from happening."

"So what? You want us to rob a bank?" asks Louis.

"Pretty much, that's why I have the brains tagging along, I would love it if we didn't set off the alarms there, so they will turn off the security system in order to let you guys in. Move quickly," Harry explains, he was interesting to see as a leader. I knew he was younger than the boys, yet he seems to know everything the best. Obviously he's the leader for a reason, and he was pretty strong minded, hot tempered sometimes, and rather aggravating, as I can be myself.

"What about you?" I suddenly say. He looks at me and stares at me with an intense stare, "I'll be staying I trust you."

We were given the final details and sent off. We grabbed our black truck, big enough to fit technology equipment and fast enough for us to make a getaway. We all wore our masks, and grabbed our best weapons. We had a few more men tag along, in a second car so we could grab as much money we could get.

"Quarter mile," Liam announces, "we're any closer to turning off the security system?"

"Almost," Austin shouts.

"Hurry up!" Zayn who sat in the front seat next to Liam. We all loaded and waited, the moment we got there a brain says, "we have exactly 50 minutes to get everything. Grab as much as you can before it turns back on."

Liam takes a u-turn back around the bank and shouts, "go!"

We all jump out the car and start running towards the bank. There were night guards outside, barely put up a fight, and shot instantly. We ran inside, and shot any more night guards, and we ran to the safes, we started throwing money in as quickly as we could. Men shouting, and scrambling to get as much as money as we could get. Our strongest carried the heavy loads of cash into the trucks as the rest of us kept stuffing duffle bags with cash.

"We have twenty minutes!" shouts someone.

We start to hurry, a lot of cash was retrieved, and thrown into our trucks. As we hurry, I was sweating under my mask. My adrenaline was pumping and I tried to maintain a normal breath, but not very successful.

"Two minutes! Pack it up!" shouts Niall.

We grab the rest of the duffles and ran to the truck. The moment we step into the truck, we hear loud sirens. We hurry into the trucks, when we see a couple police cars. Louis grabs a box full of explosives, "shall we?"

I grabbed one, pull the top off. Niall kicks the back doors open and I throw one and Louis comes behind me and throws the other. Police cars blow up and we seem to be in the clear. Niall reshuts the door and we all stay alert, I glanced over at Austin who looked traumatized. I pulled up my mask and say, "welcome to the King's Den." He looks at me speechless.


We made it back to the den in one piece, and head inside. Men unload the cash and Harry comes out, all grin, "you fucking assholes did it."

We all go inside, grab some drinks and tried to calm down our heart races.

"Well I'm fucking tired," Louis announces, opening some whiskey.

"And you're drinking that?" scoffs Liam.

"Precisely Liam, I deserve a reward for my valiant effort today," he smirks at Liam.

Liam rolls his eyes, "oh yeah."

I turned on the television we had and right when I turn it on comes the news, and guess what's the top story?

"Top story tonight! Just moments ago, a group of what seem to be a malicious gang who stole a big fortune of the this bank. There seem to be six dead security guards, two injured, and four police patrol cars that were involved in a massive explosion. No report yet of the actual culprits, but that is currently being reviewed. Stay tuned for more updates," the TV speaks.

"Well I can go to sleep now, goodnight!" Louis cheerfully exits the room.

I stared at the TV, a sense of guilt for not feeling guilty for what I did. As weird and complicated as it sounds. Have I become the monster as well? I clearly have. But I feel like I finally belong somewhere too, and not exactly a place I ever imagine to be in.


Well this was pretty action packed, yay!! I mean not that killing people and stuff is good, but I mean action.

Anyway... Do you think that Julia is a bad person (mentally) for not feeling too guilty of the situation? Do you feel she has any special feelings for anyone, or just doesn't care for romance at the moment?

Comment, and vote! Love you all,


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