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Morning light showed through the little peeks in the curtains. The morning was cool and I had yet to open my eyes. I heard a deep voice talking, but I chose to ignore it. I hid under the heavy covers, avoiding the day.

I felt someone shaking me, my eyes furrowed shut and grumbling, "leave me alone."

The voice sounded irritated now, "get up. I'm not going to baby you."

"Then leave me alone," I snapped back.

The voice grew quiet but within seconds the warmth of the covers left me, as they were ripped away from me. I groggily opened my eyes to see Harry's tall silhouette staring down at me. Annoyance in his features.

"Get up, we have things to do, " Harry snaps and walks into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and slowly sit up. I groan, and lazily start to walk to grab my clothes. I wait for Harry to get out, and then I walk in and lock the door behind me.

After showering, and doing my morning routine while being half asleep. I walk out and looked at Harry, "when are the boys coming to get us?"

He glances at me, "in an hour."

I lay down on the bed, closing my eyes for another moment until once more Harry interrupts, "I'm going to check out. Grab our things and meet over there."

I waited for a moment, and stood up again. I looked out the window to see where Harry was, he was standing outside looking into where the front desks were. I noticed two large black suvs parked. And I knew automatically, I can never have a peaceful day anymore.

I saw Harry running back, and I quickly grabbed our stuff and he came barging in.

"We're going on a morning run," Harry snaps.

I sighed, "how's they find us?"

"Must be looking for us all night," Harry says. I hand him his gun, and we head out. We make sure the men aren't lurking, we're in the clear and we start running in the opposite direction of the cars. I hear a car tires screech, knowing we just got caught.

This was too early for me, and the fact I'm already trying to get killed is a whole new record.

Harry and I start to shoot at the cars, barely anyone were driving so but those who were walking or driving started to panic.

"Harry this way!" I scream and we jump a fence into a park.

We stop for a second and threw him a mask, "the last thing we need is for the cops or people to see our faces."

Harry and I put on masks and started running again once we see the car nearing us. We run through these old, grey apartments next to the park.

"I have an idea, " he says. When we're hidden in between the apartments, Harry kicks a door open to one of the apartments.

"Are you insane?" I yelled.

"Trying to save us, more like," and we run in. We see terrified look on a two children's faces and a young lady staring at us with terrified look and screams.

"Shut up! We need to hide, so whatever you do, I suggest you don't call the cops," Harry yells.

The lady nods and grabs her kids behind her, I felt guilty. I'm pretty sure they were getting ready for school.

I deepen my voice to sound like Marcus, "You're fucking insane H! You couldn't barge into an abandoned apartment?"

He snaps his head at me, "we needed a place to hide."

"You're unbelievable!" I snapped.

He growled and looked at the lady, "put the kids in a room, I suggest they not be here."

The woman hurried the kids into a room and Harry looks at me, "go make sure they don't try to call anyone."

I followed the lady and the kids sat crying. I looked at the lady and said, "don't worry we're not going to do anything. We just need a place to hide. " The lady nodded and walked out of the room. I looked at the kids, "don't cry. We're not here to hurt you."

The youngest one was the girl, she wiped her eyes, "you're not?"

I shook my head, "we're not bad... Like that."

"Are you guys good?" asked the oldest, who was a boy.

I smirked, "in a sense, sure."

"Really?" asked the boy.

I nodded, "yeah. We just need to hide from the bad guy."

"Are you guys spies?!" asked the little girl.

"Sure, let's go with that," I answered.

"So why are you wearing masks?"the little boy questions.

"To hide our face from the bad guy's we're like ninjas, and spies," I giggle.

"I want to be that when I grow up!" the kids say.

I shook my head, "no this is very dangerous. Good kids like you should do something better in your life."

"But you said you were a good guy?" the boy asks, puzzled.

I shook my head, "yes, but you have to go far away from your family and do really dangerous jobs. You should take care of your mom and stay with her."

The kids nod, "okay."

I waited for a while, the kids asking me random questions. I basically lied, so that I won't scare them and have them cry again.

Harry came barging in and looked between me and the kids, "we're clear."

I nodded and looked back at the kids," remember what I told you." The kids smile and waved at me. We hurried out to the living room and Harry left and I looked back at the lady, "sorry to ruin your morning."

I was way too soft to be in this Mafia, but I can't help it. I don't think innocent people should get involved in the mess Harry and I got ourselves into.

"What did you say to those kids?" Harry muttered.

"Things to prevent them from crying and screaming bloody murder," I said.

He nods, "we need to hurry, I told Niall to pick us up at that park."

We took off the masks, and headed to the park. We stood by a tree. Until Niall arrived.

"Took you long enough, anyone see you?" asked Harry.

Niall shook his head, "we're good."

"Well we got chased, again. So please, next time don't take so long," Harry grumbles.

Niall looks back at me, "really?"

I nodded, "yeah. It's already a long morning, let's just get to the new den."

Niall drove and I once more fell asleep.

Mystery POV

Julio looked at me carefully, "so you're telling me, Styles got away. Who was he with?"

I shrugged, "never seen him before. Quite honestly the guy he was with was more of a she."

Julio stopped pacing and stared into my eyes, darkness and anger, "was it Julia."

I shook my head, "I can't be sure, I didn't get a good view of the apparent guy's face."

Julio pounds his fist against the table, "Le voy a matar. "

I scoffed, "it's gonna take a lot more than a gun to kill Styles. And for the record, I wouldn't think that guy was actually Julia, she wouldn't seem the type to do this kind if job. She's clueless to what you do."

Julio nodded, "you're right. But that doesn't face the fact that I want to kill Styles."

I smirked, "this is a demon war, except we all have guns."

Finally Friday! And an update for you guys. Sorry for any grammatical errors, I'm writing this while I'm in the passenger seat with my brother going to the gym. So bare with me.

Well hope you guys liked it! And please vote, comment what you think!
Love you all,

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