"Wht happened to dad?" Danielle asked, close to tears.

"Guys, really, it's nothing. I'll tell you when we get to the hospital, alright?" They nodded and I smiled, continuing to drive. I carried the twins in,the girls following me.

"Can you guys watch the twins?" I asked and they nodded as I went up to the desk, leaving the twins with the girls. "Am I able to see Brandon Biersack?"

"What is your relation?"

"I'm his wife, Alexandra Biersack." She looked at the screen and typed up his name.

"His doctor will come out and get you when he's ready."

"Thank you." I smiled, walking back to the kids.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Both of the girls asked. I sighed and sat down.

"I don't think we've actually ever told you this, but your dad has asthma."

"Asthma?" They asked and I nodded.

"The last attack he had was a few years ago, and he had another one tonight. He's going to be fine, don't worry."

"Okay, good." Danielle smiled. I sat back in my seat and waited.

"Alexandra Biersack?" I stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"How is he?"

"He's doing just fine. We have him on a mask and he's breathing well now. We're going to want to keep him here until at least tomorrow, just to monitor him."

"Great, can I see him?" The doctor nodded and gave me his room number. "One more question, can our kids go back and see him?"

"How old is the youngest?"


"Yeah, that's fine. Just make sure they don't do anything to mess up his wires or anything."

"Got it, thank you." I smiled as he left. I walked back to the kids and ran a hand through my hair.

"Hey, I'm able to see your dad now, so, will you guys be okay out here alone? Grandpa Andy should be here any minute. I'll bring you guys back in a minute." They nodded. "Awesome, thank you, love you." I smiled, kissing both of their foreheads before dissapearing through the doors. I found his room and opened the door to see my husband hooked up to a bunch of wires.

"Brandon." I cried. He looked over at me, a smile spreading across his face. I walked closer and sat down next to his bed, grabbing his hand.

"Don't cry, I'm going to be fine." He said, reaching up and wiping the tears from my face.

"I know, I just hate seeing you like this." I said, wiping my face.

"Where are the kids?"

"Out in the waiting room. I think your dad is out there by now with them. I'll go get them." I said, standing up.

"Awesome." He smiled, pulling his mask down. I bent down and kissed his lips, letting go of one of his hands, lifting the mask back up to his face. I pushed the hair out of his eyes before letting go of him and walking back to the waiting room.

"There's my boys." I smiled as Andy was playing with them.

"Mommy!" They exclaimed.

"Hey boys, want to go see daddy?" I asked with a smile and they nodded. Andy put them onto the ground and I grabbed their hands. "Thank you so much for coming Andy, I'll be back." He nodded as I gestured for the girls to follow me. I led them to the room and stopped outside the door, bending down to the twins' level.

"Daddy wasn't able to breathe this morning so he has a mask on helping him breathe. If you want to go in, you have to be good, okay? He has a lot of wires and machines attached to him and you can't touch any of it, okay? If you do, I'm going to send you back out to Grandpa, understand?" They nodded.

"That's my boys." I smiled, kissing their foreheads and standing back up. "You girls hear that?" They nodded as I opened the door and let them walk in.

"DADDY!" The boys yelled as they ran in.

"Elliot! Edward! Quiet!" I exclaimed and they nodded as I heard the door close behind me. I lifted the boys up onto the bed, the girls walking up as well.

"Hey guys." Brandon gave a weak smile, pulling down his mask. He leaned up and kissed all four of their foreheads, laying back down. "Did mom tell you what happened?" He asked and they nodded. "Are they going to school?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I was just about to take them back home, but I wanted to let them see you first."

"I want you guys to have a good day at school, don't worry about me. You'll see me after school, I'll be out of here tomorrow." He said, reaching over and wiping away Danielle's tears.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Camryn asked and he nodded.

"Yes Camryn." He laughed. "It's just something that I have to deal with because I was born premature. I'm going to be just fine, I'll be back home tomorrow." He said and she smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Okay kids, I have to get you home to get ready for school. Say goodbye to daddy." I said to the boys. They crawled up and kissed both of his cheeks before allowing me to lift them off the bed. The girls said bye to him before I kissed his lips and lifted his mask back up with a smirk.

"I'll see you in a minute, alright?" He nodded and I smiled, kissing his nose before walking out of the room with the kids. We walked out to the waiting room and I handed the keys to Camryn, telling her to help her brother's in the car. She nodded and took the kids out, while I stopped at Andy. I hugged him quickly and pulled away.

"He's going to be fine, they said he should be home tomorrow. I have to take the kids to school though so I'll be back." I gave him the room number before leaving, getting into the car with the kids. I drove back home and walked up to the twins' room with them, pulling out their clothes for the day. I went downstairs and whipped up something quick for the kids to eat in the car.

"COME ON! YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" The twins ran down and I handed them their breakfast, telling them to get in the car. "CAMRYN JENNA BIERSACK! DANIELLE MARIE BIERSACK!"

"Coming!" They yelled, running down the stairs. I handed them their breakfast and got into the car, driving to the boys' elementary school.

"Have a good day boys!" I called as they jumped out of the car.

"Love you mommy." They said, closing the door. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, being able to relax a bit now.

"Girls, I know you didn't get much sleep, do you want some Starbucks?"

"Yeah." They both said. I nodded and drove to Starbucks, ordering them some coffee, along with myself. I don't usually do this, but it's been a rough morning for us all. I handed it back to them and drove to their school, dropping them off and driving back to the hospital. I walked into Brandon's room and sat next to him, grabbing his hand.


Aww Brandon :(

Annabelle ------->

Listening to Under God~ For Today -------->


Lost It All (Sequel To Lost In Stereo) {4} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now