The Potter Kids: Chapter Thirty-Three, Felix Malfoy

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"Hey Scorpi," I said, dropping groggily down at the Slytherin table. A bunch of Slytherins hissed and gave me the evil eye, but Scorpius waved them down. 

"Hey little Gryffindor." Scorpius sighed. 

I rolled my eyes. "Just because I'm the first Malfoy in Gryffindor doesn't mean you can tease me." 

"Yeah I'm not gonna make fun of someone who destroyed the family line of Slytherins." Scorpi said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. 

I grabbed a piece of toast, not wanting to argue. As I slathered on some butter, two girls sat down on either side of Scorpi. 

"Hey Scorpi," the blonde curly one said, her brown eyes locked on Scorpius. 

"Hey Natalie." he said back, grinning. 

"Hi." the other one chirps. She has long brown hair and big aqua eyes that glance down at the table. 

"Hey Nate." Scorpius responded, though less happier than he did to Natalie. Another person plops down next to me, a shaggy haired guy with his eyes peeking at Natalie. 

"Hey Myles," Natalie and Scorpius said at the same time. They look at each other and smile. Nate's eye were glued to Myles like Natalie's were to Scorpius's. 

"And this is my little bro, in Gryffindor-" everyone smirks, "Felix. Don't talk to him and maybe he'll take the hint and go." he whispers the last part. 

I take a bite of my toast, the buttery crunch crumbs falling to my chin, cheeks and lap. "Nah I'll think I'll stay." I mumble through my toast. 

Natalie smiled, "Just like his big brother. Stubborn." 

"I'm not stubborn I just don't like following people's rules." Scorpius said, his nose turned up in the air. Everyone laughs. 

"So did you guys hear about the big dance coming?" Nate asked, folding her hands on the table, showing off her shiny purple nails. 

Myles and Scorpi groan. "Ugh I hate Hogwarts dances. They're Muggle-y and stupid and pointless. And I've already met all the girls here so you can't 'get to know one another' like McGonagall says." 

"Not this year." I piped up. "There's a rumor that Beaxbatons, Durmstrang, and Salem Witches Institute. So it's gonna be like a ball thing." 

Scorpi and Myles whistle low. "Beaxbatons?" Myles asked, his sparkly blue eyes wide with disbelief. "They are so-" From Nate's and Natalie's burning glares, Myles finishes lamely, "-erm, smart?" 

"What's the Salem Witch School Institute thing?" Natalie asked. 

"It's a wizarding school in the United States. It's an all girl school too." I explained. 

"Cool!" Nate said, "Americans! I LOVE their accents."

I raised my eyebrows but shake it off. I brush the crumbs from everywhere with a cloth napkin that I found beneath a china plate and take a sip of orange juice. "Are you taking someone Scorpi?" I asked pointedly. 

He shrugs. "Not sure yet. Too many ladies to choose from!" he high fives Myles happily across the table. Natalie looks crushed, like she found out Christmas was canceled. 

"Have you two?" Myles asked. 

"I'm waiting for the right guy," Nate says, batting her lashes at Myles, who doesn't even notice. 

"Not yet. I'm thinking about asking someone myself." Natalie grinned slyly. 

"Who?" Myles asked anxiously. 

Natalie shrugs, "For me to know and you to find out at the dance." She stands up and grabs an orange from the table. "I'm going, I have to ask Slughorn some things before classes start. Bye." 

"Bye Natalie," Myles said longingly. 

"See ya." Scorpi says, glancing up for a moment to watch her leave. 

"So have you got a date for the ball, Myles?" Nate asked, batting her lashes so violently it looks like she has something in her eye. 

"No. I got my sights set though," he grins, looking over her shoulder towards the door where Natalie left. Nate smiles, misreading his glance and thinking he's looking at her. 

"Well I should be get going too." Nate blushed, standing up and waving. The boys mumbled their good byes, then turned to me. 

"So what about you Felix? Any ladies you're taking to the ball thing?" Myles asked, leaning closer. 

"I heard your getting friendly with a bloody Potter." Scorpi spat. 

"Her name is Lily and she's nice." I said defensively. "And I don't know if I am." 

"Booring." Scopius sighed. 

"Well are you taking Natalie then? Or are you taking Nate?" I asked, looking to Scorpi to Myles. 

"What?" Myles said blankly. "Nate?" 

"What do you mean? She's nuts for you! Didn't you see her?" I asked. Myles shook his head and his curly hair flopped. "She was flirting the whole time!" 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Myles said, sticking out his bottom lip. 

"And I might take Natalie. Might not. She's hot and everything, but I'm going wait for her to come asking." Scorpi smiled. 

"Ahh you two are hopeless." I moaned and stood up.  "Obviously, Nate likes Myles, but Myles has eyes for Natalie, whose crushing on Scorpi, whose not sure who he likes." 

Myles blushed while Scorpius just shrugged. I turned my back on them and heading out of the Great Hall to my first class early. It was quiet in the halls, since probably everyone was still in the Great Hall. I wandered down a corridor, noticing the weird grimy footprints on the ground.

I kept on walking, but suddenly I heard quiet footsteps coming from behind me. Ugh, probably Scorpius. "What do you want?" I asked aggravated, not turning around. No answer. "Go away." 

I turned the corner and looking down the hall, no one else was there besides me and Scorpi tagging along behind me. "What Scorpi?" I said again. No answer. "Seriously, you should really-" 

As I turned on my heel to face him, I was lifted in the air, twitching and groaning. "Ahhhmygodgetmedown!" I screamed. My limbs were useless to me, not moving on my comand. I started to lose sight, my vision going darker and blurrier. I squinted, while being flipped upside down to Scorpius, but in fact, it was not him. I wasn't sure who, but it was not Scorpi. Suddenly I twitched more painfully and flew in circles, my brain rattling around. I tried focusing my thoughts, but when I hit the ground, everything went an ugly black. 

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