The Potter Kids: Chapter Twenty-Eight, SpEcIaL cHaPtEr

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Original Character's Pov


Natalie (Nate) Point of View

"Hello, Scorpius," I say flirtily, taking a seat next to him on the green messy couch in our Slytherin common room. He glances up at me and his face slightly lights up. 

"Hey Nate," Scorpius replies, leaning back, pushing closer to him. I keep my blush down. He's so dreamy with his white blonde hair and his grey eyes that melt into my brown ones. Scorpi lays his arm on the back of the couch, his hand brushing against my shoulder. I giggle softly and feel the blush rise to the tip of my ears. 

"You guys disgust me," Myles Ogbourne scowls, taking a seat across from. Myles is a five foot seven fourth year with his wavy brown locks covered by a grey knit cap, like one Scorpius has, and dazzling blue eyes. Myles is actually pretty hot too. He scoots over as his best friend, Toby O'Deluga parks next to him. 

"'Sup Nate," Toby flirts, not hiding his emotions. Toby is a player, getting his hands on any girl that he can. Except I won't agree with him. Toby flashes me a pearly white smile, checking his reflection in a mirror behind him. 

"Ugh," I groan. Scorpi hides his laugh and Myles moans. 

"Be a bit more desperate, can you, Tobias?" Scorpi taunts.  

"Don't call me Tobias." Toby snaps. 

"Do you know who the new captain for the Qudditch team is this year?" Myles asks, breaking the tension. 

"It's some fifth year, I think." I shrug. 

"Did you guys need something?" Scorpi asks irritatedly. He looks back at me and I twirl a piece of my blonde ringlets.  

"Why? You don't want us here?" Myles asks, fake-hurt, touching his muscled chest beneath his striped tee. 

"No, we really don't." Scorpi said honestly, smirking. 

"Do you want me here, Nate?" Myles asked sincerely, staring straight in my eyes. Crap. Crap. Crap. 

"I don't know, I'm gonna take a walk," I said, avoiding the question. I stood up quickly and raced towards the door. After I got out, I debated where to go. Most of my friends were already up in their rooms, so I just decided to walk and see where I would turn out. 

After a moment of silence, I regained my thoughts of everything. I let my mind freely wander, enjoying the quiet. I noticed in my direction, I was sort of near the Hospital Wing, which was in a connecting corridor. Suddenly I heard footsteps racing down the halls, towards my direction. Who was it? 

I turned and found a very out of breath handsome James Potter. "Hi James," I said. He nodded and set his hands on his trousers, breathing deeply. 

After he regained his breathing, he asked hurriedly, "Is the Hospital Wing that way," he pointed to the left, "or that way?" he pointed to the right. 

"To the right and then then a left and it's the second door on your left." I said confidently. "Why?" 

"Not enough time to explain," James huffed. "Thanks." he half hugged me, and my heart raced as he did. He was single now, of course, so he was definitely on my list, apart from Scorpi and such. James ran off, leaving me peeking around the corner until he disappeared. 

I began walking in the same direction James went, not just because he went that way, but because they was a ladies room that way too. As I made my way down the hall, I heard a scream, which sounded remotely like James, so I decided to investigate. I kept walking in that direction, which led me right to the Hospital Wing.

Inside was James was standing above a bed, but he was blocking my view of who it was and has he was ballistic. Madam Maddock was hovering slightly behind him, which a scared expression on her face. I hid behind the door frame, peeking through to get a better look. James was shouting something and shaking his head with his hands up in the air.

After yelling for a bit, he knelt down and I could clearly see who it was. It was his little brother, Albus, all pearly looking and his eyes glassed over, in an awkward position, not moving. James held on to Albus's stiff hand and stuck his face in the sheets. 

Then, someone else joined me from my lookout. "That bad?" Fred whispered. I jumped slightly, but nodded. Fred looked unsure whether he should go in or not, glancing back at me. I only knew who he was because every one knew all the Weasleys, like everyone knew the Potters and Malfoys. 

"Wait, why are you hear?" he asked confusedly. He kept his voice down, probably not wanting Madam Maddock or James to hear us. "No, wait, who ARE you?" I would've laughed at his tone, but I knew it wouldn't be right.  

"Im Natalie, but go by Nate. Slytherin." I added. Fred looked suspicious, but nodded. He probably seemed weary because he was Gryffindor, but he shook it off.   "I was walking and heard him so I came to see what was happening." I summed up. 

"There you are, Natalie!" a voice called out. I turned and saw Scorpi. He jogged over and glanced at Fred. 

"A Wealsey?" he sneered. Fred's jaw set and his knuckles turned white from balling up his fists. 

"Relax," I said, using my hands to gesture to calm down. "I hope James get better." I told Fred, then turned back to Scorpi. 

Then, of course, Myles came bounding around the corner. "We having a party or something?" he asked, his eyes lighting up. Behind him, Toby walked slowly, nodding to some blushing chick that passed by. 

"Why the Merlin's Pants is everyone here?" Fred hissed, throwing his hands up in the air. 

"I could ask the same thing." a tight familiar voice asks. We all turned slowly, already knowing who was there. "You will all go back to your Common Rooms and go to bed. You will not spread any rumors or anything, or I will give you a month of detention and deduct all House points." Professor McGonagall informed us strictly. "Good night." Taking that as a cue, everyone hurriedly scurried off, but not before I saw Lily out of the corner of my eye, her face streaked with tears.  

Scorpi threw his arm casually around my shoulder and I blushed. He grinned back at me. "Oh get a bloody room!" Fred said exhaustedly. I blushed even more and Toby and Myles chuckled. 

Scorpius slowed us down, so we were in the rear of the pack. "So what was McGonagall talking about, not telling anyone about what we saw? What happened?" Scorpi tried to make his voice sound curiously innocent, but I could tell he was eager for information. I didn't even realize he didn't know who was in the Hospital Wing, hw must have not looked though the door or window, just at Fred and me. 

"You heard McGonagall," I said mock-firmly, "Don't tell anyone," I whispered playfully in his ear. A flash of disappointment crossed his face, but he quickly smiled to cover it up. 

"Okay," he sighed. I smiled back at him as we walked up the steps, glancing at the stairs to make sure I didn't stept through the fake ones. I looked up and saw Myles staring bitterly at Scorpi's arm still thrown around me and blushed. I could tell Scorpi noticed, because his grip around me tightened. 

This could be trouble. 

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