The Potter Kids: Chapter Twenty Four, SpEcIaL cHaPtEr

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Other Character's Pov

Fred's Point Of View

How Did They Become A Couple? (Rewind)

"Hey Carks," I said, speeding my pace up to catch up to her. 

She turned and smiled widely when she saw me. "Hey Fred." 

I shifted my bag to my other shoulder and massages it gently. "Can't believe we've already got this much homework," I groaned. I had gotten a sixteen inch essay on how to turn a matchbox into a pencil, due in two days; practice brewing a Forget-Me-Not potion and take notes on every change it makes; draw a animiagus that could survive in the wild for Care of Magical Creatures; and finally, predict the future at least twice before tomorrow and record it. 

"I know. You want to get started?" she asked, hugging her books to her chest. 

"Fine," I sighed. She giggled. "Let's go underneath the tree by the pond. It's quiet there." I suggested. She nodded. 

"So are you trying out for Quidditch?" I asked. 

"Of course I am! So I'm confused. Are you on the team or not?" Carks asked. 

I laughed. "I don't think so. I was on the team last year,  but apparently, since my "grades were slipping" and I had no good "sportsmanship" because I might have "bewitched the Slytherin captain" they kicked me off." I said, making the bunny finger quotes when necessary and saying it in  a dopey voice. 

"Hah," she snorted. "What curse?" 

I smirked. "Densaugeo. It makes your teeth grow to an undesirable amount." I added, seeing her confused face. 

We chit-chatted until we reached the tree and sat down. The view was very cool with the clear ugly-colored water and the weird- sea- monster- alien- octopus thing sloshing around. I reached in my pocket and extracted a piece of slightly stinky treacle. "He loves it. Throw it in," I said, handing it to her. 

Carks wound up and threw, quite hard, I must admit, it so it almost landed right by the monster. It stopped it sloshing and lowered down to scoop it up. "Wada kakakakaka!" it yelled happily, swimming around after it's little snack. Carks and I laughed. 

"So you want to get started?" she suggested. 

"Nah, not yet. Let's talk." I replied. 

"About what?" Carks asked. She pulled an elastic from her wrist and pulled her straight mousy hair into a messy bun. She looked really pretty with strands hanging down from her face and her eyes twinkling in the sunlight. "Fred?" Carks waved a hand in front of my face. 

"Sorry. You look really pretty," I said aloud without realizing it. She blushed daintily. 

"Thanks." she mumbled happily. 

We sat in silence for a moment;  a silence that wasn't quite awkward but wasn't relaxing either. "So what position do you want for Qudditch?" I asked, shattering the silence. 

Carks shrugged. "I'd like to be a Chaser; preferably the Outside Chaser." she said. "I'd hate to be the Centre Chaser, everyone looks to you for help." 

I nodded. "Right now James is the Captain and the Blind Side Beater, and it's a wonder how he's stayed on the team for longer than me." I paused and made a face. "And then Teddy Lupin is the other Beater, the Open Side Beater. A girl named Colette Evans is the other Outside Chaser. The rest of the positions are open because the other players graduated." I explained. 

"You should try out!" Carks said eagerly. "Then we could see each other more," she smiled and the color rose to her cheeks slightly. 

"I dunno." I said. "They only position I ever like was a Beater because, frankly, I just loved hitting the Bludger and seeing some Slytherin fall to the ground." Carks giggled. "Definitely maybe." I promised. 

She smiled. "Carks?" I asked nervously, but tried not to show it in my voice. "I have something to ask you. And I've never done it before, so bare with me." 

"Okay, what?" she responded fingering the ring on her finger. 

Okay. Big moment time. Breath. Just breath. You like Carks. She likes you.  Just say it and focus. But you've never done it before! No girl has been special enough to share it with! Never mind, shut up. Just Focus. Focus. I looked back towards the lake. Woah the monster was trying to do a flip! Heh, stupid octopus thing. Wait, what was I thinking? Um...oh, focus. Focus. 

"Um, Fred?" Carks says, snapping her fingers in my face. "You there?"

"Oh. Yes. And okay, I have to say something." I gulped. "We've been hanging out a lot, and you're really funny and nice and sneaky and like pranks and fooling people and you're pretty and you don't laugh when I bring up wizard ninjas fighting Slughorn for a donut or when I thought of a giant broomstick that would kick annoying people in their-"I would have kept babbling on, but something amazing happened. 

Carks leaned in, and put her hands on my shoulders. "Stop talking, stupid." she whispered. She tilted her head and brought her lips to mine and kissed me softly and gently. After I hyperventilated in my head, I cupped my hands on her soft face and kissed back. A moment later; our heads broke apart, breathing fastly. 

"Wow," I breathed after a moment. "I was just going see if you wanted to share my sandwich with me. It's peanut butter. But that was waaay better!" I reached in my bag and pulled out a freshly made peanut butter sandwich in a plastic baggie and waved it around in her face. 

She was stunned for a minute, but than laughed and I joined her. "So you have never shared a peanut butter sandwich before?" she giggled. 

"Nope." I replied. "Peanut Butter sandwiches are awesome and are meant to be shared with someone special. That's why people cut them in half; in case they find someone good enough to share them with. I was going to share half with you, duh." I explained. Did she not understand the peanut butter sandwich rule? 

"That actually sounded romantic in a way," she smiled. "To cherish with a special person." 

"That is not at all what I meant or what I said, but okay." I said, the first part under my breath. She laughed. 

Alana's Point of View

I walked into the Common Room and looked around for Al. He hadn't been at dinner, so I assumed something was wrong. I found him at a table, just staring off in space. "Hi Al," I said happily, swinging my leg over the bench. "What's up?" he jumped nervously when I said that. "Something wrong?" 

Al shrugged. "Nothing really. Got tons of homework," he grimaced, but not totally so it made it look like a crooked smile.

"I already finished mine." I gloated, smiling. 

"I have something to tell you, Alana." Albus said, tapping his fingers on the table.  


"Its not going to be easy," he sighed, patting my hands. 

I frowned. They it hit me. He didn't like me anymore! He was going to break up with me! And that's why he was being so awkward today, he didn't know how to break the news. "I get it. You don't have to say it." I said firmly, but my voice cracked. "Just don't talk to me." 

Al's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "But-" 

"No." I said swiftly. I stood up and walked away, trying to hold in my tears. I can't believe he would break up with me.  It's only been two days! 

Al called out my name, but I ignored it and kept walking up the stairs. He deserves it. 

Fangs Point of View

Roxanne kissed me softly and then broke apart, smiling. "Let's tell him." she whispered. I groaned and put my head in my hands. We had been together a while now, though now one knew. Ever since the middle of last year we have been together. I loved hanging with Roxy, she was so down-to-earth and considerate and funny. 

"No." I replied firmly. "I think it's a bad idea!" I looked out from the bridges view. Clear blue sky, few puffy clouds, hippogriffs and threstals flying peacefully. And I could see threstals; I had seen my mum get killed by a potion accident. It was horrifying and I don't like to talk about it. I sighed. 

"Why?" she pouted. 

I looked up at her crazily. "What happened to your last boyfriend you introduced to Fred?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

She looked rather flushed. "Fred jinxed him." she murmured tonelessly. I gestured her to keep going. "With the Tarantallegra." 

"And I don't want to dance uncontrollably." I pointed out. 

She groaned. "Well we are going to have to tell him sometime!" she complained. 

"Yes. Sometime as in when he is unconscious." I said. 

Roxanne looked right in my eyes, or at least almost in my eyes. She raised her hand and gently pushed my hair out of the way and smiled. "Please? For me?" she whispered charmingly. 

"No." I said. 

She kissed me on the cheek. "Please?" 

"Maybe." I sighed. 

Roxanne kissed roughly me on the lips, breaking off a moment later. "Please?" 

I sighed. "Fine." I said. She excitedly pecked me on the cheek and stood up. "Now?" I whined.

"Yes now." Roxanne said. "Let's go."

"Fine." I said childishly, standing up. I was much taller than her, and she looked up at me. "I better not get cursed."  

She giggled. "If you do, I'll still love you." she paused and looked sincere. "And I do. Love you." 

I bent down and hugged her, my arms wrapped around her waist and hers planted on my chest."I love you to." I said softly in her ear. 

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