The Potter Kids: Chapter Twelve, James

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The First Day of Classes 

My eyes fluttered opened as I felt the cool breeze and the warm sunshine hit my face. Groggily, I sat up and looked out the open window. I saw a little girl and a boy hanging by the old oak tree by the lake and another boy that appeared to be spying on them from behind. 

What time is it? I thought. As I glanced around the room, I saw that everyone had already left. Probably down to breakfast. Looking at the clock, the numbers blurred together so I blinked a couple of times. Woah, was it seriously already eleven? Bloody hell, classes start at half past. 

I opened my trunk and threw on my robes, grabbed my book bag and my wand and ran out the door to Great Hall. As I climbed out the portrait hole, I ran right into Nearly Headless Nick. 

I shivered. Running through a ghost was not fun. "Hello James!" he said happily. "I saw your sister and her friend last night." Nick raised a white eyebrow. 

"Yeah I know. Her Malfoy friend, right?" I replied groggily. 

"Yes sir. And, by the way," he added quickly, seeing my side-step him, "your friends already went down to the Great Hall. They told me to tell you if I saw you to say 'Look in a mirror and don't sleep in too late anymore.'" Nearly Headless Nick smirked. 

"Why?" I asked, my brow furrowing. I am not a morning person so I didn't catch on. 

"I would follow their instructions before you go to the Great Hall, Mr. Potter." Nick advised, floating off. 

I made a confused face and on my way to the Great Hall, I checked in the boys bathroom mirror. "What the-" I exclaimed, my hand automatically reaching up to my face.  Apparently, they had colored all over my face with Spellman's Magical Markers; Spellman's Magical Markers are like Muggle sharpies. They don't come off easily. 

Checking the wall clock, I had fifteen minutes, so I raced to Madam Maddock to see if she could fix my face. Wow that sounded weird. 

"Hey, Madam Maddock," I said out of breath. She looked up from the giant messy stack of papers on her cluttered desk. "Can you-" 

"Fix your face?" she kindly finished for me. She chuckled. “Some friends you've got, Mr. Potter." I squinted at her. "Come on, you don't think that I think you did this to yourself, do you?" she smiled. 

"Yeah, so can you just fix it? I really need to get down to the Great Hall to stuff my face and get my schedule. Please," I quickly added seeing her face. 

"Alright." she ran to a cabinet and extracted two bottles. One was small, pale white and shaped like a regular pill bottle. The other was big, the color of pumpkin juice, and from the sound of the sloshing, it probably contained some type of liquid. She opened the small one and handed me a pill that was half-white, half-purple. 

"Swallow this to make the, er, stains less harder to get off." Madam Maddock waved her wand and a glass of water appeared by my side. I drank the water and swallowed my pill obediently. Then she poured out the second bottle's liquid and poured it out on a blue washcloth. 

She handed the washcloth to me carefully and instructed me to rub it gently into my face. After massaging my face she said, "There you go, Mr. Potter. Good and new." Madam Maddock checked her watch. "Oh dear, you have about eight minutes now."

"Shi- er, shoot I mean," I quickly covered up as Madam Maddock glared at me. "Thanks!" I yelled as I ran out the door. 

In a about minute, I reached the Great Hall and found Fang and Scooter enjoying their corn flakes and bacon or whatever. Fang looked up and made a face. "You're late, man."

"Yeah because I had to go to Madam Maddock and get all this marker cleaned off!" I exclaimed. 

Scooter looked up innocently. "Your face looks clean,"

"Ah, shut up." I said, sitting down and cramming two cold sausages in my mouth and washed it down with Luke-warm orange juice. 

"There you are Potter," a strict voice said from behind me. I turned and found Professor McGonagall standing behind me with a piece of paper. "Here is your schedule," she instructed me, giving me the paper. 

11:30 - 12:45 : History of Magic

12:50 - 1:30: Lunch 

1:40 - 2:50: Defense Against the Dark Arts with Slytherins

3:00-4:15: Herbology with Ravenclaws (Greenhouse two)

4:30-5:20: Care of Magical Creatures with Hufflepuffs

5:30 - 6:30 pm - Dinner 

6:45 - 7:30 pm - Divination with Slytherins

8:00 pm - Curfew for First Through Fourth Years 

9:00 pm - Curfew for Fifth Through Seventh Years

I sighed. Boring. Since today was the first day, classes started later. The schedule was enchanted, and updated the classes I took everyday. "Thanks, Professor." I said. She nodded and walked off to yell at some fifth years. "What are you guys' schedules?" I asked. 

Fang dug through his bag and handed me a crumpled one and Scooter pulled his, neatly-folded, our of his sweatshirt pocket. Luckily, we all had most of the same classes, though when I had Herbolody, Fang had Transfiguration and Scooter had Charms. And I was the only one with Dinvitation, as Fang and Scooter had Muggles Studies. "Nice turn out," I said thoughtfully as I handed back their schedules. 

I ate some more and chatted until Professor McGongall's voice was projected all through the Great Hall. "Students please report to your first period classes. Prefects please help any misguided first years." she said. 

There was a big commotion of getting up. At a giant doorway, you would think we all filed out pretty quick. Nope. Some mean old fourth years were shoving littler kids and pushing people. Who would do such a thing? 

"Come on people, let's get a move on!" complained Scooter pushing forwards. Eventually, we got out and headed for History of Magic with the dead guy. Man, I hated that class. It was so boring and no one liked it. what a fun day this was going to be. 

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