The Potter Kids: Chapter Nineteen, James

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A Shocking Twist

"Aren't you gonna be late for your tutoring session thing?" Scooter asked, finishing up part of his essay for Transfiguration.

I shrugged. "Nah, I got a couple of minutes," I replied, lifting my feet up and rested them on the desk he was working on. After I attempted to find Lily for about an hour, word got around that Al and his two accomplices got punished by Professor McGonagall after they found Lily. So then I ran back to class as fast as I could back to my class, claiming I had been throwing up in the boys bathroom. I got off the hook, luckily. I would've raced to the library already, but I wanted to see Albus, that is, if he ever came down from his room.

"Where's Fang?" I asked absentmindedly.

Scooter didn't glance up and said, "He's with some chick I think."

"Hah, who?" I laughed, sitting up.

Scooter shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't seen him since breakfast, actually. He won't mention her name. They've been snogging all day alone." 

"But," I said confused, "Fang said he was going to look for you when I saw him in the hall."

Scooter smirked and flipped his golden hair out of his eyes. "Nope. Where do you think he was?"

"Oh dang, yeah," I laughed.

"Hi Scooter, Hi James," two girls voices chimed behind us, interrupting our laughter. I looked and found Katrina and some other girl I didn't know.

"Can we join you?" Katrina asked, gesturing to the empty chairs.

"Oh man," I said mock-sadly, "You know, I have to go meet up with my tutor. I don't want to keep her waiting. Sorry. But," I continued brightly. "Scooter needs some company while I'm gone, even though he might argue."

Scooter opened his mouth to protest but Katrina and her friend eagerly sat down. "Bye, don't have too much fun without me," I smirked, waving. Scooter was so going to make me pay for this later, I thought, as I walked out of the portrait hole.

"Wait, James!" Beth called out from behind me.

"Hey, Beth," I said, turning. "Can't talk, I'm heading to see Charlie."

"I know." she said, wringing her wrists and biting her bottom lip.


"Its just that, you don't like her, do you?" she asked quickly.

I was startled for a moment. "I love you Beth," I replied, pulling her in a hug. Truth was, I did sort of like Charlie, but that might just be a fling, so I didn't answer the question, hoping my plan would work. Luckily, it worked because she smiled and accepted.

"Okay, I believe you. But no funny business." she scolded playfully.

"Promise. Now I gotta go, bye." I smiled and went off, as she walked back.

When I reached the library, I peeked in first. And I saw Charlie sitting patiently at a table, writing something down on a pad of paper. I opened the heavy glass door and strode over to her. She didn't look up as I stood above her.

"Hey." I said casually, resting my hands on the wooden chair in front of me.

She jumped when I spoke. "Oh, hi, sit down James." she said, still a bit startled.

"What are you writing?" I asked, craning my head to get a better look. I thought it was homework at first, but then realized that it was just doodles. In orange ink was just hearts and such, and in black she had wrote her name. In purple ink, I realized she had doodled my name over and over again. I raised my eyebrows.

She blushed when she saw me staring and quickly put her hand over to shield it. "Its nothing," she said, throwing the pad into her book bag.

"If you say so," I sing-songed. I sat down and made myself comfy. She kept blushing crimson. "It's okay," I assured her.

"Um okay," she said, collecting herself. "So let's get studying."

She reached down to grab her Transfiguration book and I mimicked her movement until I remembered in my rush to leave, I forgot my book back in the common room. "Hey I accidentally left my book in the common room, can we share?"

Charlie nodded mutely, and I scooted over closer, so our arms were touching. She slightly blushed."Um, okay, so the first chapter is 'Small Objects'." she started, her voice growing stronger. "So what it explains is some basic review spells that can help you transfigure minor object, such as wine glasses, mouse traps, and quills." she continued on for about an hour before we decided to wrap it up.

"I think I got most of it." I said, twiddling my thumbs.

She nodded, "Good."

"When will our next session be?" I asked.

Shrugging, she replied, "Tomorrow?"

"Sure." I said, standing up, facing her. She started to get up to, but the tip of her shoe got caught on the leg of the chair and she was tripping. "Woah, there," I called out, catching her safety in my arms.

"I'm such a klutz," she laughed. I joined her.

"I knew it," a voice said angrily infront of me. Beth stood with a book in her arms, her face dripping with what looked anger, sadness, and disappointment.

"No, Beth, it's not what you think," I hurriedly said. That sounded so cliche! Charlie stood up, blushing furiously.

"I tripped-" Charlie started to explain, but Beth held up a hand to silence her.

"You promised James. You promised and I believed you," Beth cried, her voice quivering.

"But Beth-" I attempted, taking a step towards her. She raised her hand and slapped me hard, right across my face. "Ow!" I cried, my hand automatically reached up to where it stung. I looked at her, bewildered.

"No. We're through, James. I never want to see you again." she said loudly. People started to glance over.

I reached out to hold her back when she tried to leave. She twitched out of my grip. "Don't, James, just don't." she said, her eyes swimming with tears.

Reluctantly, my arm fell slowly. She sobbed and left the library, the door swinging behind her. "Beth," I called out almost inaudibly.

"James, I'm so sorry," Charlie gushed, gently touching my shoulder.

"I know. I am too."

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