The Potter Kids: Chapter Seven, Lily

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Dark Magic

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding in out. I was in Gryffindor with all my friends and family! As I set down the hat, it chuckled and winked at me. "I love a bit o' fun," it laughed.

I skipped over to the Gryffindor table and saw Albus waving me over. But I didn't go over, I just shook my head, smiled, and sat Down next to Felix.

"I'm so happy to be in Gryffindor!" I told Felix excitedly.

"I am sort of too," he replied. "I mean, I just didn't want to be In Slytherin like the rest of my family. I'm the first Malfoy to be in Gryffindor."

"Wow," I said. I looked back up to the rest of the Sorting. Not surprisingly, Hugo joined our table and sat across from me.

After the Sorting was all done, Professor McGonagall clapped her hands and all this wonderful delicious food appeared on the table. "Mmm," I said, taking a bit of chicken and mashed potatoes. Everyone dug in, stuffing their mouths with food. Felix, Hugo, and I mostly just chatted about classes and stuff like that until all the food was gone.

Professor McGongall cleared the tables of everything before clapping her hands again to make mouth-watering desserts appear. I was so stuffed but managed to eat a couple of double chocolate treacle.

After all the feasting was done, Professor McGonagall spoke again about Hogwarts; what was off-limits, where certain places where, prefects, etc. "Now good night, sleep tight, you all have a long day of classes tomorrow!" she laughed.

I started to get up when a girl screamed. Not just an "I just saw a spider scream" but a blood-curdling, ear-piercing one. I turned, making my red hair whip around, so quickly that my neck hurt a bit. I saw Shay Chang, who was in Ravenclaw, high in the air, her tiny body spazzing out, her limbs dangling down in awkward positions. "Oh my goodness!" I exclaimed, watching her. Everyone else was staring at her, unsure of what to do.

Professor McGongall had whipped her wand out and was saying spells to try and counter the curse. In a mintue, the right spell worked, but Shay's body came flying down. Someone ran out to catch her, and she landed safely in their arms. I looked in closer, and saw her eyes closing, her body still twitching. What kind of magic did that?

The nurse, Madam something ran forward and waved her wand, conjuring up a stretcher. She gently placed the body of Their and flicked her wand, which moved the stretcher to the door.

"Oh my," Professor McGonagall whispered. "Students, please return to your Houses quickly, prefects lead the first years!" she yelled, then turned to confront the worried teachers.

I moved closer to the teachers to here them, and luckily they didn't see me.

Professor McGongall asked softly and quickly, "Who could have done this?"

The teachers all looked baffled at this until another teacher whispered, "That was dark magic. Only a very experienced wizard could have performed that!"

"I 'aven't seen anything like it since Katie Bell!" a giant teacher scoffed.

"So do you thunk it was another necklace of some sort?" she questioned.

"I'm not sure, Minerva," a tall thin professor said. "It could have been just a prank,"

"Lily, let's go!" a voice hosed behind me, making me jump. They grabbed my hands and pulled me away, out the doors of the Great Hall.

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