The Potter Kids: Chapter Eleven, Albus

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Hanging With the Guys

Man, Lily can be so stubborn sometimes, I thought to myself as I waddled awkwardly up the stairs. When I reached my bedroom, I opened the door quietly in case people where sleeping. And unfortunately, they weren't. 

"Hey there, Prince Charming," Fred joked. I gave Fred a look. My other three roommates were three guys I didn't recognize. 

"Who are you three?" I asked. 

"Me name's Toby Finnigan," the shorter boy said with an heavy Irish accent with emo-like sandy blonde hair hair and blue eyes barely visible. 

"My name is Greg Longbottom," another boy piped up, slightly chubby. His brown hair had streaks of golden blonde in it and his eyes were a gold color with flecks of blue. "My dad is a professor here, he teaches Herbology." he added shyly. 

"Oi!" I said, "My dad talks about yours all the time. Neville, right?" he nodded proudly. 

"I'm Jeremy Thomas," said a tall gangly boy with dark skin and black spiked up hair. 

"Cool. I'm Albus Potter, but you guys can call me Al." I told them, flopping down on my bed. 

"So? What happened with Alana?" Fred asked eagerly. 

I smiled slyly. "For me to know and for you," I said, chucking a pillow at him, "to never know."

"Bloody hell, just tell me!" Fred mock-whined. 

"We might have shared a moment by the fire," I replied, grinning. 

"Al's got himself a girlfriend!" Fred sang. The other boys chuckled. 

"One of my friends in Slytherin told me a girl named Rosalyn Zabini likes you," Toby told me. 

I blushed. "Ooh, mate, Alana's got some competition!" Jeremy whistled. 

I had already known Rosalyn liked me. She's okay and shes pretty and all, but she's like a nerd. No offense, I thought quickly, feeling guilty in my mind. Rosalyn is always seen with a book in her hands and her nose buried in it. She also gets really nervous when I try to talk to her, anyways.  

"So," I said, changing the subject. "Has Freddy got a girl yet?" Knowing Fred, he probably already had one or possibly two. 

"Nah. All the girls I've met are too innocent and all kiss-ups. I need someone who enjoys breaking rules and a good sense of humor." he said casually. 

"Well I won't keep an eye out for her," I joked. He chucked the pillow back at me. 

"Hey," Greg bursted suddenly after a moment of silence, causing everyone to jump. "I've got an idea!" he jumped up and stuck a hand in his bag. After a minute of biting his lip in concentration and rummaging around, he extracted a bag of what looked like giant sugary jelly beans. 

Greg opened the bag and peered inside. "This is candy that makes you sound like an animal or an object when you eat it." he informed us, passing the bag around. 

When the bag got to me, I read the label, 'Missy Portland's Sound Beans'. I shrugged and took a large red one with black circles on it out. I glanced over at Fred, who had taken a white one with a desgin that looked like feathers. 

"I'll go first then," Jeremy offered as everyone Examined their candy. He plopped his in his mouth and chewed for a second. Then his eyes widened and he opened his mouth and screamed, "CAW CAW! CAW CAW! CAW CAW CAW!" just like a big black crow.  Fred exploded in laughter and the rest of us laughed. Jeremy grinned sheepishly. 

"My turn!" exclaimed Fred, dropping it in his mouth. When it touched it tongue, he began to coo and hoo like a owl. "Hoo....hooo...hooo!" he whispered softly, like a leaf falling on the snowy ground. I chuckled. "Aww, I was hopig for a wild beast or something more...extravagant." he said sadly. 

"Well my turn," I said cheerfully. I put the candy in my mouth, chewing slowly for a moment. It tasted sugary and  like cherries. My mouth automatically opened and out came the noise of a Muggle fire truck. "WEEE WOOO WEEE WOO! EHH EHH!" the boys howled in laughter. 

"Dude," Jeremy laughed, tears streaming out, "There's water coming out of your ears!" before my candy weared off, I reached up and felt my ear, which was indeed soaking and spurting water. I guess since fire trucks had hoses to put out fire, this candy made me squirt out water. Weird. 

After it wore off, Toby stuck his in his mouth and made a face. "Owww!" he cried, "It's really hot!" he fanned his mouth and then out shot a two foot flame from his mouth. "RAWR ROOOOAR!" he yelled. 

We all screamed a bit and jumped back on our beds. I grabbed my pillow and shielded myself, instantly feeling the heat as Toby's fire breath hit my pillow. 

"Woah," I heard Fred breath. In another moment, Toby coughed and the fire stopped. 

I slowly peeked over my pillow. Fred whistled lowly. My bed post was a bit cooked, steaming slightly with ashes twirling to the ground. "Aww man, why my bed?" I complained. The boys laughed hesitantly. 

"Maybe we should go to bed now," suggested an embarrassed Greg. 

We all nodded. Jeremy shut out the lights and I laid down without my pillow because someone had made it hot and ashy. 

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