The Potter Kids: Chapter Fourteen, Albus

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Swarm of Girls

I snickered quietly as Fred faked losing a finger and the girl next to him had lost all color in her face. After a moment of he stuck his "fallen off finger" back on and patted the girl on the back. Her crystal eyes widened and she ran off in a hurry, not looking back. Fred and I laughed. When he got distracted, I looked around for Alana in the Great Hall, but it was packed to the brim with people of all sizes and different robe colors.

"That was cool, how did you do that?" a curious and amused girls voice asked, startling me. We turned to find a girl I think in our year, grinned broadly, (revealing perfectly white straight teeth) and pushed back a piece of her dead straight dark brown hair back. When she looked at Fred, her milky brown eyes had this strange mischievous glint in it. "My name is Carks." she added.

"Carks?" I questioned, holding back a laugh.

"My real name is Carter but I hate that name so call me Carks. If you don't I will curse your brains out," she replied hot-headily.

"Okay," I said quickly, catching on she was a tough chick.

"Anywho, Carks," Fred said, not even bothering to hide his amused smile. "You wanna know I did it or not?"

She nodded enthusiastically, taking a seat on the long hard bench next to him. He began explaining his trick to her, who seemed very interested, and Fred looked happy to met another trouble-maker. I could see they were getting along so I excused myself, and went to see if I could find Alana. As I reached the Great Hall's doors, someone ran directly into me, sending my crashing on the floor. I did not like being knocked down by James, so this became annoying.   

"OhmygodImsosorryididntmeantoo-" a voice hurriedly explained, lending me her hand; she had lightly tanned skin and after I blinked a couple of times, my eyes looked into her briallnt emerald green and brown flecked eyes, surrounded by thick curly lashes. She blushed crimson when she realized who I was. "Hi Albus," she said shyly, looking away. I got up and brushed myself off.

"Hi Rosalyn." I said, my voice emotionless. She dropped back down to the ground so suddenly, I thought she had fainted. "Woah-" I started, before I realized she was just picking up her fallen books. Thinking it was the right thing to do, I hesitantly dropped down and helped.

As I handed her  very heavy and large book, I glanced at the gold embossed letters in the thick red leather and it was written in ancient runes (I think, I had barely listened, then dropped the class. It was really hard and advanced).

"Wow, you must be very intelligent to follow Ancient Runes," I complimented, looking at the book. She smiled nervously and mumbled something happily.

She reached for the book and her soft long fingers brushed against mine, making her blush even harder and she scrambled up. Rosalyn muttered an apology and then ran off, embarrassed. SAnd that's why I think she's weird.

I kept walking only to find myself run into more girls, all giggling. "Hello Albus Potter," one of the girls said in a heavy Italian accent. "My name is Cassie Olivia." she introduced, holding out a blue manicured hand.

"Hi," I replied, shaking her hand.

Another taller girl, with long curled hair hip-checked Cassie and said, "Hi, Albus." her aqua blue eyes pierced mine and I broke the gaze, looking at the floor.

"Where's Alana?" asked a familair dreamy voice. I looked back up to find Holly, her eyes glassy but still aware of the surroundings. Her eyes were definitely weird. They were an icy blue gray, but they still seemed kind and nice.

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "Somewhere."

"Watch out for the nicklepunnys," she whispered, leaning in. "They are following you like a rabbit chase." I nodded unsurely, but went along with it.

"Hi again, Al." yet another voice cooed. It was Katrina, her face full of un-natural looking make-up and her fingers full of beautiful mismatched rings. She held out a hand to shake, and as I hesitantly shook it, she pulled me into a hug. I tried to pull away, but she was strong. 

"Hey there, Al. And friends." another voice said icily from behind me. As Katrina let go unashamed, I turned, and found Alana standing a few feet away, her thin arms crossed tightly over her chest.

"Um, hi Alana. I was looking for you," I explained, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"I see you needed help." she said, though it sounded like a question.

"Um," I replied unsure of what to say. She rolled her eyes and began to walk away. "Alana!"

She ignored me and kept walking until she sat between two girls I don't know. One had short funky spiked up and the other had tied her hair back in two ponytails that reached her waist.

"Alana," I said firmly. "I don't know those girls. I don't like them. I like you."

Her anger slowly relaxed, her jaw untensing and her  arms uncrossing, "I'm sorry, I was just jealous. I should've known," she replied softly after a moment. Alana got up and I hugged her. Something suddenly occurred to me and I blushed slightly. I cleared my throat and waited for the right moment.

"So is this like...official now?" I asked curiously. "Us?"

I could hear the smile in her voice. "Yes. I guess it is."

The Potter KidsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora