The Potter Kids: Chapter Four, Lily

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The Sorting Ceremony

We all began to get our things and Leave. Hugo said he was going to find Rose and Shay just got nervous and left. It was just me and Felix in the compartment.

"Thanks again, Felix." I said, turning around to face him. After James left, I cried for a bit, laying on his shoulder. Now I feel embarrassed about it. Then we all just awkwardly talked about what house we all wanted to be in. Surprisingly, we all wanted to be in the same house. Gryffindor. Well, actually, Felix said anywhere but Slytherin.

When I asked him about it he said, "My whole family has been in Slytherin and I don't want to end up like them." Then he changed the subject, so I didn't bring it back up again.

"No problem." Felix replied turning around, too.

"Where did...did you learn to do magic like that? I don't even know any spells." I said curiously.

"My brother, Scorpius." he said, looking away. "Scorpius is sort of like James. He liked fooling around, but sometimes he goes to far."

"Oh," I replied.

"Let's go," Felix said, pulling up his bag. I nodded and walked forwards to catch up with him, but tripped and landed on the ground, unable to catch myself.

"Ow," I rubbed my shins.

"You're sorta clumsy," Felix chuckled, then blushed, feeling as if he said too much. He reached a hand down to me and I grabbed on to it gratefully. Felix's hand was soft and warm as he pulled me up.

"Thanks," I mumbled, brushing myself off. He smiled.

In Hogwarts

All the first years were rounded up and we shuffled into the Great Hall. "Okay, first years!" Professor McGonagall said, clapping her hands.  Professor McGonagall was also the Headmaster, but preferred being called 'Professor'. She was really old now,(but Dumbledore was like six hundred years old anyway) so her voice was softer, but still as harsh. Her emerald green hat sat on her brown-slightly graying hair tied back in a bun. Her robes were also emerald green, only slighted brighter, with dark black edges and buttons.

"The sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be like your family. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room. The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each house has a noble history, and has produced outstanding witches. and Wizards. While you are at Hogwarts your triumphs will gain you points, but rule breaking will take away your points, whichever house has the most points at the end of your is awarded the house cup, an honor." Professor McGongall said, slightly out of breath. "Let's go."

Right when we entered, I was amazed by the ceiling, which was a beautiful navy blue with bright white twinkling stars sprinkled across. As we made our way past the long tables, which had silverware and empty plates and glasses on it, that were packed with kids of all ages,I saw James Trying to make eye contact with me. He mouthed sorry and made a sad face. I knew James hadn't meant for that to happen, but sometimes he was just so reckless. I looked for Albus at the table too, and saw him staring at some girl with rainbow hair.

"Are you nervous?" I asked Felix.

He shook his head. "No, not really. Are you?" he asked.

"A little," I admitted. He squeezed my hand, and gave me a reassuring smile. "Thanks."

Professor McGonagall began  reading names of a list. "Syndey Addison!" she called off.

The old wrinkly black hat was placed on her blonde head as she sat down. In the battle years ago, the hat had been burned, but one of the teachers repaired it, good as it was before.

"Hmm..." the hat said thoughtfully, "You seem loyal, yet very intelligent. Better be....Ravenclaw!" The Ravenclaw table erupted in claps and the girl smiled relieved.

Professor McGonagall went through lots of people, including Shay Chang, who She got sorted into Ravenclaw. Shay had nervously walk Every time a new person went into a house, everyone cheered and welcomed them. 

"Felix Malfoy!" she said, then paused soaking in the name. All around the Great Hall, people whispered and pointed. I felt bad for him; everyone judged him from the cover seeing as he was Malfoy, and he was really nice. He made a hurt face and then walked up to the stool.

Professor McGonagall set the fraying hat on Felix's white-blonde hair and the hat said, "Eh, another Malfoy? Lots of intelligence, you're brave, kind-hearted." At this, the Slytherins booed, and as I looked over, I saw what was unmistakingly Scorpius, booing along with the crowd.  I turned my attention back to Felix, who seemed to be talking with the hat, but I couldn't hear exactly. The hat said something back, but only for Felix to hear. "Fine," the wise hat said, "Better be...GRYFFINDOR!"

The whole room was silent. No one could believe that a Malfoy would EVER be in Gryffindor. I mean, I could barely believe it. Suddenly the clapping slowly started, and I whipped my head around, I saw it was James that started it. He saw me and winked. I grinned back and he look relieved. Felix slowly walked over to the table, and sat down In the emptiest section. Felix saw me and nervously half-smiled at me.

Professor McGonagall looked a bit stunned, but continued announcing names, until she said, "Lily Potter!"  I slowly walked up to the stool and sat down. The stool creaked a bit, and I looked around the room. All eyes were glued to me and I felt Professor McGonagall put the hat on my head.

"Ahh, yes. Half-Wealsey, Half-Potter. Difficult, difficult indeed."  I pushed the hat up slightly because it was blocking my eyes. "Hmm..," said a small voice in his hat said, thinking. "You've got a good mind...a thirst to prove yourself. You'd be a good Hufflepuff, or possibly a Ravenclaw."

"I want to be in Gryffindor, too, with everyone else." I said quietly.

"I can see that you'd fit in well, but you might be better off in Hufflepuff. You could do great things." the hat suggested.

I shook my head. "Okay then, better be...R-" I gasped.

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