The Potter Kids: Chapter Thirty, Part One

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Part One

Troubles With Death, Dead, and Alive

Mr. Potter anxiously tapped his shiny black shoe against the floor, awaiting for Minerva to return, while his wife, Mrs. Potter, fiddled with her green velvet dress. Both husband and wife were nervous to see their child, Albus, who had been cursed and then petrified. He was taken to the Hospital Wing and then the Potters were alerted of this news. They both had so hurriedly packed a small bag, that Mr. Potter had forgotten his trousers and Mrs. Potter had forgotten her hair brush. 

Mrs. Potter was distressed because she couldn't believe her little Al had gotten to his condition. As a mother, it was her responsibility to keep him safe, healthy, and happy, no? Sadly, Mrs. Potter let her head fall into her hands, her fire red hair, slightly falling out of her usually neat bun. 

Mr. Potter, on the other hand, was antsy, no only for his frozen son, but for his two other children, James and Lily. He could basically imagine how they felt, because one of his best friends, Hermione Granger, was petrified and he was devastated.  Mr. Potter longed to stand by Albus and beside Lily and James. He kept tapping his foot, and the sound echoed through the silent hallway. 

In the next moment, the sound of clicking heels came down the hallway, growing louder as they came closer. An elder witch appeared, with fly away gray hair tucked in a bun, pursed thin lips and wrinkles on her face, a depressed look plastered on her face. "Harry!" she exclaimed, spotting him sitting on the stone bench. "And Ginny!" 

Harry and Ginny immediately sat upon and asked hurriedly in unison, "Can we see Al?" 

Minerva looked frazzled. "First we must talk in my office, if you will." She then kept walking, leaving them with no option. 

A couple tensed moments later, Minerva walked into the room, followed by Harry and Ginny, hand in hand.  "Sit," she commanded, gesturing a hand to the seats in front of her desk. She quickly sat down and crossed her hands on the desk as Harry and Ginny silently obeyed. 

"Harry Potter," a voice chimed happily,Harry glanced up and found a ancient looking wizard's portrait, with long white hair and a beard, with what looked a thin charm bracelet tied in the hanging part. His sharp blue eyes twinkled behind his half-moon glasses and pierced Harry in such a familiar way it filled him with fond memories. "The boy who lived." A smile crept upon Harry's lips. 

"Dumbledore, the greatest Headmaster at Hogwarts." Harry replied with as much happiness as the elder wizard had supplied. He quickly looked towards Minerva, "No offense." 

"None taken," she said slyly. 

"How are you?" Harry asked. 

Dumbledore chuckled. "No no, Harry, the question is how are you?" 

Harry shrugged and patted his wife's hand lovingly. "Usually the happiest man on Earth, except today." Harry    said sadly. His wife nodded her head in agreement, the loose strands of hair bouncing up and down like a Muggle pogo stick. "Its weird feeling like he won't move or talk. It's like he's not even-" Harry shut his mouth abruptly, everyone known very well he was going to say 'alive'.  

Dumbledore shook his head and looked at Harry almost in pity. "You still have him though," Dumbledore said almost coldly. "He has not left the Earth forever." Dumbledore was referring to his deceased younger sister, Ariana, who had been long dead since his childhood. The saddest parts of his life had occurred then, when his father was taken to Azkaban, his mother passed away, then his untamable underage sister, and then him and his brother grew apart at her funeral, where he had broken his nose in a fight. Dumbledore felt the tears burn at the back of his eyes but refused to let it show an inch on his face. 

"Right," Harry said. He had picked up on the dead sister vibe. "Albus is still here, his body and soul." Dumbledore's face lit up as Harry mentioned his son's name again, as he was named after him. 

"...Harry?" A sneer yet kind voice spoke out. Harry turned to find a  black greasy haired, long nosed wizard picture looking at him. 

"Snape," Harry said, in a tone that was happy, yet a snag of sadness caught in it. 

"You...used my name for your own child's middle name?" Snape asked, bewildered. 

Harry nodded. "Albus Severus Potter." Snape also beamed at this, looking very touched. 

Minerva cleared her throat. It always seemed like every time she had to announce the Albus Potter news, Severus and Albus had to cut in and make chit-chat like they ran into each other at the Wand Shop. Being Headmaster wasn't so easy, she thought to herself. "Harry? Ginny?" she called out. Both heads snapped quickly forward. 

"Let's get down to business." Minerva said, giving a grim smile. "Albus was cursed and found by the boy's bathroom last night, petrified." Harry and Ginny looked sadly at each other, their fingers intertwined. "The same incident happened to a girl named Shay Chang, after the Great Hall feast, who is a first year Ravenclaw." Harry's head snapped up at the mention of 'Chang'. 

"Chang?" Harry asked. "As in...Cho Chang's daughter?" 

"Yes," Minerva nodded. "But I am confused on how that would matter to the case." 

"It wasn't. Nevermind. Continue." Harry said flushed, gesturing his hand as his wife raised her eyebrows questionably at him.

Minerva gave a sharp nod. "Alright. First I just want to make sure," she looked at Harry and continued delicately, "Are you one-hundred percent sure that the basilik from the Chamber of Secrets was the only one in there?"

Inwardly, Ginny flinched at the mention of the Chamber of Secrets. In her first year, she had been a personal victim of young Tom Riddle  after filling his Horcrux journal with her deep dark secrets. Then he had taken over her body and forced her to do terrible things, like strangle chickens and write messages in blood and send a giant snake to petrify people. Tom Riddle had then lured Ginny down to the Chamber of Secrets and had planned to turn his mere memory form into an actual person again. Ginny shivered and was brought back to reality. 

Harry thought back to his second year, with memory glimpses of Riddle's memory, the diary Horcux, the Chamber, the basilik. Pushing the scary ugly thoughts away, Harry nodded. "It should be because otherwise, Riddle," almost the whole room flinched slightly at the mention of Voldemort's real name. Even though it had been about two decades since his death, some wizards and witches believe that he will be reincarnated or have a distinct relative, though Harry knew well that it wasn't going to happen, as did Dumbledore. "Would have used it to kill me once I killed the first one." 

Minerva nodded again. "Thank you, Harry. So now we have no idea what the cause is, though our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is looking into it." She paused before admitting, "Though he is no where as half as good as Severus was at the Dark Arts." 

Snape smiled. "Thank you Minerva. That means a lot." He faces towards Harry, "I have been trying to help figure it out, Harry, but it's harder when you're..." his voice trails off. Everyone seems to be having trouble with using the word "death" or "dead" or "alive" for their separate reasons. 

Harry nods, grateful, then turns slowly to Minerva again. "Now can we see Albus?" 

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