The Potter Kids: Chapter Sixteen, Lily

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Rufus Almonds

I hadn't been able to finish my sentence to Felix. I ran out of the Great Hall, ignoring the calls for me. Not knowing where to go to be alone, I jogged back to the tree we were just at and climbed up to the top. About fifty feet off the ground, I swung my legs on the thick branch and leaned my back against the tree itself.

Slowly, my breath came back to normal, the blood pumping in my veins calmed down. I peeked back at the letter, slightly wrinkly and with bark on part of it.

Lily Potter, a.k.a. the murderer

I know what you did to my Uncle Rufus. I know everything. I'm in Hogwarts and I'm going to find you and make you pay. Make you pay for what you did.

-Elaine Almonds

I had never told anyone this, I had just kept it my little secret. When I went shopping in Diagon Alley for Al, I had gotten really jealous that he was going to Hogwarts and I wasn't. It was a terrible day; it made me feel so miserable.


"Mummy," I whined, tugging on her emerald green robe. "Can I get my own wand too?"

Mum gently shook my hand off her robe and smoothed it out. "Merlin's Beard, Lily, we've been over this a million times!" she exclaimed impatiently yet kindly.

"It's not fair! I want to do magic too!" I complained, crossing my arms.

Dad came over and knelt down. "Lil, you'll just have to bear the wait you've waited many years and I think you can wait a little longer. Plus, you'll be like an only child and Hugo can come over all the time." he whispered kindly. My eyebrows crossed, but my arms loosened. "You want N ice cream?" he asked, smiling.

I angrily nodded, though I wasn't really all that mad anymore. He gave Mum a quick kiss and that held my hand to the ice cream store. We had to wait in a really long line, and Dad had to go the bathroom.

"Wait here for a minute, Lily. Don't move, I'll be right back." he told me, his arms up and he walked towards the bathroom. I nodded and prepared to wait. And wait. And wait.

"Where are you Dad?" I mumbled out loud. I was next in line but I no money, so I got out of line. Diagon Alley was crowded, packed to it's limit with witches with giant shopping bags; wizards holding their child's hands, pointing out the new broomsticks (LightningStrike 1600); and small children excitedly running around seeing all the cool gadget and wand shops. I waited a bit longer, scanning the crowds for Dad or Mum or really anyone.

It didn't take him this long to the bathroom, I thought. What if he had gotten lost? I should go find Mum by Ollivander's! I wandered on, looking for Ollivander's, not exactly knowing where to go. Thinking I should ask for directions, I stopped where I was and looked in shops for kind-looking wizards or witches to ask for help from.

In the robe shop, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw what I saw. Dad. And he was excitedly talking to Al, handing him different robes and such. I couldn't believe it! Dad was supposed to be "in the bathroom" but he had went off to pick out robes for Al.

I hurriedly stormed out of the shop, stomping my feet. Unsure of where I should go, I went to an alley where it was deserted. I didn't want to be with other people. I leaned against the wall and let the tears flow, not caring about anything. Suddenly, I heard footsteps which made me jump. "Whose there?" I snapped, looking around the dark alley.

A man, tall and stoutly stepped out from the shadows. His dark brown-black hair was plastered to his tanned skin, his eyes charcoal yet kind. "What's wrong, little one?" he asked with sincerity. "Can I help? My name is Rufus."

"I don't want to talk to anyone!" I yelled out frustrated. "Go away!" I threw my hands up in the air.

"I'm trying to help you, lassie." he apologized quickly.

"No. Go away!" I repeated louder and angrier. I could feel this power brewing up, making my fingertips feel like electricity was flowing through. My breath got heavier and angrier.

"Where are your parents?" Rufus asked, taking baby steps forward. "It's not safe in a dark alley for a little girl."

"I'm not a little girl!" I boomed. I don't really know what happened next. A big golden light zapped out and we both were awestruck. Next thing I knew, it was like a fog and I heard Rufus yell out in pain, and then a sickening crunch. "Oh my-" I whispered, as the fog cleared away. I couldn't describe the picture that I saw. Terrified, I ran away into the crowd, disappearing. I regretfully glanced back at Rufus, who did not stir, move, or breath.


After that, I had ran back to the ice cream place and waited nervously. Dad returned and apologized, saying he ran into Albus trying on his robes and stopped to help  This made me feel guiltier, as I ate the jumbo peanut and raspberry sundae he got me. Ashamed, I had never told anyone about Rufus. In the next week or so, I kept checking the Daily Prophet in the death sections. And Rufus Almonds face was plastered in the newspaper, looking happy, staring up in my eyes.

In his...erm...description it said "un-known cause of death, potential killer on the loose". I had never thought of it that way. Something I was ashamed, guilty and afraid to admit. Something I didn't tell anyone and his revenge-wanting niece was coming for me. It made me sick to my stomach when I thought of how he was just trying to help. But nothing and no one could help now. Accident or on purpose, I had to face the truth.

I killed a man named Rufus Almonds.

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