Part Of The Game (Part 1)-Sherlock

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Your eyes slowly opened but everything was blurry. You blinked a few times and soon everything was clear. However it was dark and something seemed off. Well of course you knew something was wrong cause of what happened back at the flat.


Sherlock and John both weren't at the flat when you arrived. You walked into Sherlock's flat and looked around. You shrugged when you didn't see anyone. Opening the door all the way, you walked in with the grocery bags around your arms. You set them down on the counter and began to pull everything out of them.
You then heard footsteps coming from behind you and thought it was Sherlock,

"I got you guys some food."  You said.

"I'm not that hungry."  A voice said.

It wasn't John's voice, or Sherlock's. It wasn't any voice that you had ever heard. Then you realized that it couldn't have been them, the front door never opened. This man had been waiting here.

"Wh-who are you?"  You asked.

"My name is Jim.  Jim Moriarty."  He said.

"I'm afraid I've never met you before."  You said trying to hold back your fear. 

"I'm not that surprised. Sherlock doesn't like me that much...but he likes you, y/n."  He said.

Your heart began to race a million miles an hour. You turned around, preparing another question, but was met with a fist to your face. And that was the last thing you remembered.


Your hands and ankles were tied to the arms and legs of the chair. There was the slight sound of water dripping down on the ground. You rolled your head around in pain and moaned a bit. The ground was cold and hard. Cement.  You continued to look around until you heard a door squeak open and slam shut.
Your heart pounded against your chest as the footsteps grew louder by the second. Finally, the man appeared in front of you.

"Oh, good morning, beautiful."  He said.

You shot him an angry glare as he chuckled a little at you.

"What do you want with me?"  You asked.

"I already told you, sweetheart.  Sherlock likes you."  He said.

"Yeah.  I'm an easy person to like."  You retorted.

"Not like that.  He, how do you want me to put it?  I guess I could say he, well, loves you."  He said.

You stared at him with unbelieving eyes.

"Sherlock doesn't love anyone. He's a high functioning sociopath who is married to his work."  You said.

"Well I guess people can change." He said, then leaned down close to your ear, "And now that Sherlock has changed, I'm going to take advantage of it." He whispered.

He walked to a corner and sat down. He pulled out a knife and started to examine it. You tried to break free from your bonds but it only resulted in pain. Suddenly, there was another noise. The same door opened and Moriarty grabbed you off the chair and pulled you back into the shadows with him.

"We're going to have some fun now, y/n."

Then, two figures appeared farther down the way and looked around. You saw a shorter man standing next to a taller man. You immediately recognized the taller man's shape. Mostly because of his curly hair and long coat.

"This way John." You heard him whisper shout.

They began to run in your direction as Moriarty emerged from the shadows.

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