“I just mis-.” I paused as I pulled her arm closer to me. My eyes widened to the matching tattoo that taehyung and Hoseok once had. They were right… I wonder if I can ask her some things? “Are you the leader of BTS?” I asked knowing that I might get a confused laughter from her… this was just a memory.

A soft chuckle came to her lips as she removed her hands from my small ones. Knew it… “You’re silly. Come on I think Jimin is waiting for you.”

“I love you-.”

“You what?”

My eyes widened to the deep voice that brought me from my sleep. Tears ran down my cheeks as I stared at him and then the landing strip on the other side of the plane.

“whoa why are you crying?” Taehyung asked as he raked his fingers over my cheeks. I pushed my face into the side of his hand as I closed my eyes. His touch was soft and gently… just like moms… “…(y/n)…”

“Sorry.” I say as I pull away from his hold and rub my own cheeks. “I had a dream about my mom. Your hand is soft like hers.” I say as I look at Taehyung.

His contact colored eyes stared into my own as people began to exit the plane. “Give me your hand.” He says making me raise my eyes brows at him questionable. I sniffed my stuffed nose as my hand crawled into his. The soft gentle feeling ran up my spine again at the contact. He smiled softly as he pushed his fingers between my spaces.

“Feel better?” He smiled as the flight attendant walked up to us.

I was stuck in total shock at the kind feeling Taehyung was pushing against me. “I’m sorry I need you two to exit the plane now.” She said in a nasally voice snapping my mind from the hold.

“Yes thank you.” I say to the lady, but really I was saying it to Taehyung…


“I can’t believe we are in the Bahamas.” I smiled widely as I leaned against the porch railing. My hands tightened against the railing as I looked at the deathly distance below me. I could end it now…

“(y/n)!” Taehyung yelled as he wrapped his hands around my waist and tugged me against his beating chest. My eyes widen from what just happened. “What the hell were you doing!” He yelled as he dragged me into the condo and threw me against the couch.

I closed my eyes as I grunted from the impact. “I’m sorry.” I say softly as I rub my head. I knew what I was thinking as I leaned further against that lose railing… I wasn’t scared…

“Y-you can’t leave m-.” Taehyung paused as he pushed his fingers through his hair. “You can’t just kill yourself okay?”

“I know.”

Do you?” he says snapping my head in his direction. “Because you were looking over the railing practically licking your lips for the release.

“Shut up.”


“How can you deal with all this pai-.”

“I don’t…” He says making my shaking eyes widen from his words. “I have the dreams… the memories… (y/n) I tricked them… I-.” He pushed his hand against his chest as he thought of how he got the guys to trust him for a selfish reason.

“You were doing what you needed to do.” I say softly as I stared at his watery eyes. “You did it because you wanted to avenge my mom right?”

Taehyung stood in silence as he watched me. “She was like a mom to me to-.”

“Then what does that make me to you?” I say flatly as my chest tightens.

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