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"What's going on?"

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I'm so sorry for the pain he's caused you. If i knew I would have turned him in that second. I need you to believe me when I say I didn't know." He's so upset, he can barely speak.

"It was Christian?" I gulp. I can't keep the tears from pouring out of my eyes. I know I came here to find out but you can never really prepare for this. It kills. How could he do that? How could he kill harry? He was a good man, what did he ever do to Christian to deserve such an awful death.

Christian comes out the house in handcuffs and two police officers behind him. My stomach turns and before I can stop it I'm sick everywhere, all over the grass. Justin quickly grabs my hair out of my face, holding it back for me while I spill my guts out everywhere. The vision of Harry's body lying on the kitchen floor is flashing in my mind and it hurts so much more knowing who done it.

As he passes me I notice he can't even look at me in the face. When I finally manage to pull myself together I walk up to him, Justin is following closely behind me. He doesn't even try to stop me.

"Just tell me one thing." I say to Christian as he stops walking.

"What?" He sighs. He has no regret, I can see it in his eyes he doesn't care, he's more annoyed that he's been caught.

"Do you have no heart in that empty chest?" I poke his chest as hard as I can. He just looks away.

"Take him away." I spit. "He doesn't deserve to see another bit of daylight again."

Justin wraps his arms around my body and brings me into his chest.

There's no word to describe how I'm feeling right now.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now