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As I step out the door to leave the bedroom I see Justin standing on the landing. He looks like he's seen a ghost. He clearly heard everything.

"We need to talk." I gulp, stepping towards him.

"I don't think we do, I think you need to go." He shakes his head, stumbling on his feet as he moves backwards slightly.

"I can't leave, we need to talk about what you heard." I sigh.

"So you're only here because you thought I killed harry? But it now turns out you were wrong so you're after Christian now? Is that it? You gonna seduce him now too." Justin looks like he's about to cry as he's speaking and it break my heart knowing he's this upset about it.

"Justin no that's not how it is at all, please just listen to me? I can explain this whole situation if you'll just let me."

"How do to explain the fact that you've just told someone Christians private story, that he told us about in confidence? What kind of person does that? Where's the loyalty? How do I know that everything I tell you won't be carried on to someone else on the phone seconds after I've told you. It's sickening." He's really disgusted, I can hear it in his voice.

"Justin plea-" I get cut off by Justin waving his hand in front of my face and walking down the stairs away from me. I follow him down to where Christian is.

"Dude what's up?" Christian asks as he looks at Justin.

"Jayde you need to leave right now" Justin spins around suddenly and practically spits in my face, making me jump.

"Whoa Justin calm down mate." Christian says.

"If you knew what she's done, you wouldn't even be this calm." Justin groans.

"I'm going" I say with my head low as I walk out the front door without another word or look.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now