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"What do you wanna do now then?" Justin asks, putting his arm around my shoulders loosely.

"How about we go back to your place, you can invite Christian and we can just all chill out. I'd like to get to know him better considering he's the first person I met here and he's your best friend" I smile.

I'm going to get to the bottom of this whole thing. The fact that Christian has a past of doing dangerous, criminal things he didn't want to do, and the fact that he was in London the same time Harry was killed is a little suspicious to me. Maybe the police were close when they suspected Justin, they just got the wrong friend. I'll soon find out more.

"Yeah okay sounds like a plan. I'll just text him now." Justin smiles, kissing me on the forehead softly.

If Christian is the guy that killed Harry I'll be a little relieved because I'm beginning to really like Justin, I know I shouldn't but I can't help it, he's amazing, sweet, genuine and so attractive it's scary. I'll be a little heartbroken if he does turn out to be the monster who ruined my life. I'll also be upset if he knew Christian killed my harry all this time. It makes me feel physically sick that Christian could have known who I was on the plane when he sat next to me. What kind of sick man killed someone's boyfriend then gets friendly with them and introduces them to their best friend. I hope for his sake he didn't know.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now