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My whole body feels numb. It hurts to breathe. Harry was my whole life and now that he's been taken away from me I don't know how my life is supposed to go on, it will never be the same again. I only knew him for a year but it feels like hes been in my life forever. 

"Jayde please try to eat something, its been days since you've touched any food." my mum is staying with me for the time being, while i get myself together. its so hard living here without harry, waking up without him next to me, making dinner without making him one for when he gets home from work, that was my favorite time of the day. I haven't done any of that stuff since he was taken away, not slept, not cooked dinner, not lived, just sat here for days staring at the picture of him and me on our only holiday together, i can still remember that holiday clearly, it was the first time I met Harry.


"My friend wants to know if you're single." I am sunbathing in Italy when a boy comes up to me randomly.

I look over at his friends and ask "who?" with my eyebrows scrunched up.

" The one with curly hair" he says, I look over at who hes talking about and smile inside at how gorgeous he is, but instead of showing my emotions I just look away, back at my book. After a few minutes the boy still hasn't left.

"Tell him if he's really interested he should come talk to me himself." I say in a bitchy tone before going back to my book.

"Sure thing sugar tits." The boy says before walking back over to his friends. What a twat i thought as i watched him walk away.

I carry on with my book until I hear someone standing over me, clearing their throat.

i look up and see the boy with curly hair and gorgeous piercing green eyes"hi" he smiles shyly. God he's gorgeous I thought as I smiled back.

Flashback over

I will never forget that day.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now