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"Please stay safe Jayde, make sure you call us every chance you get okay?" Shan cries into my hair as she hugs me tight. We're currently saying our goodbyes at the airport because I've been told it's time to leave, I arrive in la tonight to start my new life as Jayde, the 'pretty little girl from London'. I can't lie, I'm crapping myself but I hope I can make some good friends while I'm there, so it can feel a bit more normal to me. I know I have to be careful about what I tell people and it's going to horrible not being able to talk about Harry like I can with my friends here.

"I promise, we will FaceTime everyday okay? And you Liam" I smile, pulling away from Shannon and hugging Liam. I know Liam is suffering as much as I am after losing his best friend but he's been so good at keeping a brave face around me, which I appreciate so much, I'm a mess and I couldn't have got through these last few days without the pair of them, I'm so glad they have each other. I'm going to miss them so much, they're home to me and already can't wait for the day I get to come back, knowing we've caught Harrys killer.

"Love you Jayde" they both say as I say my last goodbyes then get on the plane. I have an awful feeling in my stomach, I hate the unknown and I'm about to walk straight into it.

Facing someone who could have killed Harry is the hardest part of this whole thing, I don't know how I'm going to keep a smile on my face knowing he could have killed the love of my life in my own kitchen.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now