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"Bro good to see you home!" Justin taps Christian on the back lightly after opening the door and revealing us standing on his door step.

"Good to be back, here meet your new neighbour, I met her on the flight here how funny is that" Christians smiles, pointing towards me.

"Hi I'm Jayde" I smile as sweet as possible, Justin looks me up and down and my stomach turns, just looking at the man who could have killed Harry makes me feel sick to my stomach, but I need to play it cool, I'm just a sweet innocent girl who's new to town.

"Lovely to meet you gorgeous, my names Justin, but I'm sure you already know that" he winks.

"What? How would I?" I scoff. How does he know? Fuck.

"Christian would have told you?" He laughs.

"Oh right yeah" I giggle awkwardly. Fuck sake Jayde, stop being so paranoid.

"Come in" he grins, he's quite good looking for a criminal. Christian let's me walk in first, like a gentleman. "What made you want to move here then?" Justin asks causally as we reach the living room.

"Just wanted a fresh start" I shrug. "How long have you lived here?" I ask.

"My whole life" he replies.

"It's a beautiful place" I smile, looking around in admiration.

"Thanks, it was my dads but he gave it to me when he died" he shrugs.

"Oh I'm sorry" I smile sadly at him.

"Don't worry." He nods.

"How long have you two been friends?" I ask, directly at Christian, trying to change the subject quickly, if I think about death, I'll think about Harry and I'll just end up having a massive break down.

"Since we were little boys" Justin answers.

"Cute" I nod.

Get me out of here.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now