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Justin's PoV:

I watch Jayde as she rests her arms on her elbows and looks out at the sea. The wind is blowing her hair perfectly off her face, giving me a good view of her peaceful smile. I've never seen anything more beautiful.

She doesn't trust me, I'm not stupid and I'm not blind. Unless I can prove I'm a good guy, she won't touch me. I don't blame her though, I'm not perfect. I'd love her to take a chance on me. I know I've not known her long at all, but when you know there's a connection, you know. I think she knows too. I let my arm brush up against hers slightly, she suddenly snaps out of her thoughts and looks at me, her eyes are connected to mine and it's almost like she's looking for some kind of answer in them.

"It's lovely here isn't it?" I say, breaking the silence.

"Yeah it is." She smiles sweetly.

"Can I just say, you look lovely sitting there like that, with your hair blowing everywhere." I pick her hand up and put it in mine, she looks at our hands but thankfully she doesn't pull away, she just look back out to sea.

"You're really laying it on thick today aren't you." She laughs, pulling her hand away suddenly.

"Jayde, i- sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I say, realising that it must seem extremely forward to her, we've known each other less than a week for goodness sake. What's wrong with me?

"It's okay" she nods, turning her head away.

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now