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"Justin where are we going?" I ask as he drags me across the beach. I feel really unsure about letting him drag me somewhere alone but I can't exactly tell him that.

"I got a call from my mate who owns a boat, he's doing deliveries today so I thought I'd ask if he'd take us with him. He won't be back for another week." He takes my hand and tugs me towards a boat with cracked red paint.

"Jeez" I mutter. "Thanks for the warning." I look at the boat as I slowly approach it. Besides the paint job it's in perfect condition as it bobs along on the water. It's nice, I guess. As far as boats go. But it's a boat. A boat. I don't do boats. Full stop. There's only so much rocking about on water a person can take.

"Come on" Justin turns to me, "it's not that bad I promise."

"Er yeah" I gulp looking between him and the boat. If he is the person who killed Harry then this could be his plan to kill me too, get me alone in the middle of the fricken sea!


"What?" I say looking at him.

He stops and looks down at me "you really are scared of me aren't you." It's almost like he can read my mind or something.

"No, why would I be scared of you?" I laugh, trying to play it off.

"I can see the panic in your eyes princess, so there's no point lying to me."

"I'm scared of the water, not you" I shrug.

"It's only a quick journey, I'll look after you." He rubs my arm softly. He hops onto the boat and holds his hands out for me. I take a deep breathe, put my hands in his and let him pull me on. The boat rocks with our movement and I freeze, grabbing onto his shirt. He shakes his head. "Do you really think I'd let something happen to you?"

"Maybe" I say, looking at him.

"I promise I won't, you have my word." He smiles, pulling me close. 

My Boyfriends Killer - Justin Bieber - Completed Where stories live. Discover now