Chapter 15

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            Two red eyes gleamed at me at the door. It was Hoodie.

"Oh, hey Hoodie." I said.

He nodded at me and walked up next to me. He removed my hand that was still rubbing the bruise on my forehead. 

I-It's g-getting w-worse y-you know.." He mumbled quietly.

"Yeah," I said, nodding. 

Hoodie dropped his hand to his side. 

"Can I ask you something..?" I asked, nervously.

"W-What is i-it?" He asked.

"Did Jack talk to you when I left the room yesterday?" 

"E-Eyeless J-Jack or L-Laughing Jack?" He asked.

Wait what? There's another Jack? Named Eyeless Jack? 

"Laughing Jack." I replied.

Hoodie didn't respond for a minute or two before replying quietly, "M-Maybe he d-did. M-maybe h-he didn't." 

Then, he left me in utter shock, hearing the water of the sink dripping ever so quietly.

"Pling, Pling, Pling.." 

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