03 Welcome Party (Present)

Start from the beginning

"What was that, A-chan?" Wataru asked the redhead in a low voice.

"I think that's just too much for her."

"Hm ... are we gonna throw them all out?"

"No ... she probably didn't expect it. Let's give her a little time."

Ayumi scanned the room. Hikari talked to Nobu and Kaito while she blinked over to Wataru. Nisha and Mizuki had also come into conversation and Wataru glanced at the room door of Yuna, which was closed.

Midori sat on an armchair and drank green tea from a can. The redhead decided to take a closer look at the nurse. Yuna had already told her about her.

"Hi. I'm Ayumi Shikibu," the younger woman introduced herself.

"Hi. Midori Omura."

"I've heard a lot from you, Omura-san."

"Oh please. I'm not that old yet, okay, Ayumi-san?"

The redhead grinned and sat with her beer on the armrest. "Okay, Midori-san. I just didn't want to be rude."

The black-haired smiled broadly. "Don't worry. It's difficult to beat Yuna at that."

"You're right. The little one can be quite exhausting."


Yui went over to the table and put her bag on it. She discovered a stack of cartons on a wall. She turned to Yuna, who stood with her hands crossed behind her back in front of the room door and looked at her.

The older one smiled encouragingly. "Sorry ... for the party."

"It's okay. Somehow I expected something like that. It suits Ayumi."

"Yes." Yuna stroked her pony aside.

"She's really great. They all are great."

"That's true. They were a great help to me, the last few months."

The blonde looked around the room attentively. She looked at the table with the two chairs, whereupon Yuna's drawing tools were neatly arranged, the small, shabby TV and the ancient microwave.

"Is this my room?" Yui asked.

"Our room. For the beginning. Wataru suggested that I move in with him. Kind of."


"Of course, if that's all right with you. I'm not sure yet. I think at the beginning we should share this room."

The younger one nodded absently. "Like in old times ..."

"Yes ..."

They were silent for a moment. Yui thought of their old room in their old home. Her sister had told her that it was almost completely burned out and that negotiations with the insurance company were in progress because of the damage sum and a possible renovation.

She admired Yuna for the fact that she was doing all these adult things. Before the catastrophe, she had been a total child who cared only for her animes and mangas, but in recent months she had grown to be a young, responsible woman.

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