Chapter 29

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PJ's pov.  

Dean explained to us all what the plan was and how we were going to rescue Sam. He have each other and a medical kit. Well we have 7 medical kits. We are following Dean  to get to our location as he is the only one who knows where it is.
After an hour of walking reach our destination. We found an window to enter through whilst Dean entered where he normally dose. When we all had safely laded inside we meet up with Dean close to the entrance. When we meet up with Dean he said "let's go this way and all keep together and watch out for security cameras." We all nod at him to show we understand.

We stared to move in the direction Dean told us to. All of the sudden we heard a blood curling scream. The suddenly another on followed. I recognised it as Sam's scream. I then looked around and everyone else and when my eyes looked over at Chris. He gave me the look that says don't but I could not follow it.

I ran in the direction I heard my sister scream. I had lots of voice shout behind me I ignored then and soon I was outside my sister cell. It quite sad to see my sister chained up in a cell, and a dark one at that. I tried the door and to my luck it was open. I rushed in quickly and searched the bed that happened to be close to the door of the cell. I quickly found them under the pillow. They aren't that good and hiding things.

"Sam, Sam it's me Peej. Oh god what did  they do to you." I go the key and unlocked the hand cuffs and the ones around her ankles. The the others came in. Felix picked up Sam and put her on the bed. She frowned at the pain as she was moved. Dan, Phil, Jack, and Dean were keeping an eye out for anyone coming. Sam was starting to pass out due to blood loss. However we don't want that to happen. So Dodie talked to her asking her questions to keep her awake. Hazel and Louise got out the medical kit and pulled out the bullet from her shoulder and the other in her leg. She growled when each got pulled form the wounds that had been created. They cleaned it and put a bandage on her leg and shoulder to stop the bleeding.

Once Sam was all ready to move Felix picked her up to carry her out as she can't walk on her leg and having her hopping will not help us all that much. We all ran to the entrance and once we got their 4 people stated to run down the hall after us. "You guys go I will fight them off so you can escape" Dean said. "Dean let me help you now rest of you go." Jack said and the rest of us obeyed. As soon as we were outside at a reasonable distance we waited for the other two. Minutes later we were joined be them both. "How are we going to get home?" Chris asked.
"We can use my van" Dean said. He then got in the driver's seat of the van in front of us. We all got in the back. I took Sam from Felix and let him sit in the front.
We were very quickly on our way home or should I say to mine, Sam's and Chris's. "It ok Sam your safe now you can go to sleep now if you want to your safe." I whispered to her.
After a short journey we had reached home. We all got out and dean said "I will be back soon and explain everything but right now I need to give this van to someone else so we don't get an more unexpected guests." He then drove of again. I told everyone they could come in and have a drink if they like. Chris opened the door for everyone and I took the now sleeping Sam to her room and tucked her in bed. I left the baby monitor on so I could hear her if she needs me. I bought the other monitor into the living room where every one else was.

A short time passed where we all talked about things we don't normally get the chance to and it was quite a lot of fun. Dean then can through the door and explained him self. "Well you see Jack and I need to be evil for one of our sketches so I saw this job in the newspaper looking for someone to be an evil apprentice and so I applied. Turned out I was the only one and got the job. I did a few evil things like play pranks on people. They a couple of days ago i was asked to do a bit of filming with a lady the captured. I said yes. Turned out it was Sam. It all became very real to me how serious this had gotten so that why I got that card for her to hold up and then get her rescued and home safe and sound." We all looked at him in astonishment. I then said "thank you for saving her and I am glad you learnt you lesson. So no more trying to be evil ok."
"Your welcome and I sure wouldn't."

A week's time skip

Sam is a lot better now she is back in school and has thanked all my friends for helping her and thanks Dean every time she see him. Which is not that often lucky. He dose keep saying that it no problem and she dose not have to keep thanking him but she dose anyway.

Right now it's a Saturday and me and Sam are sat in our lives room and have the box's from our parents house in front of us. Why are we going to open it. Well we got it as it has a letter attached with are names on it so we read the letter before we decide if we want to keep it or not. It said that when something bad happens to either of us like one of us going missing or something to open the box when we are back together again. So that what we are doing.

"You open it Peej."
"Ok, here it goes." I then cut the sellotape that is keeping it close and open the box. Inside was two large, old dust book. We take the first on out and open it. In the book on the first page was another letter. We opened it, and i read it aloud. "To our dearest children, if you are read this then I am assuming that one of your were kidnapped. Your both probably wondering how we know and be who. Well you we kidnapped by demands. Why do we know will we where the most powerful of our kind. Your farther was a warlock and I was a witch. I was a good witch not the bad ones you find in stories. Anyway pj you like your farther are a warlock but you are to as powerful as he was. Sam you are like be a good witch but you have all the combined power of myself and your farther. You both must be careful as now you know you could be hurt by these demon's. The book you find in the box have all the spells you will every need to know. Also they tell you what you powers are and everything you would need to know.
And yes we were killed by demon's and not in a car crash.
We both love you two very, very much. Keep safe and look after each other.
Lots of love mum and Dad."
"That explains a lot. Peej I don't think it's best we tell anyone about this not even Chris."
"Ok we won't but you put these book and letters under you bed for now ok."
"Ok "
"Right let's watch a movie and waiting for Chris to come back with our dinner." That what we did we put a movie in the DVD player and started watching it waiting for Chris to come home.

Thanks for reading please vote or comment if you like. Hope you enjoyed. Bye :) :)

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