Chapter 22

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Sam's Pov

Once I uttered those words I felt more in the real world and not trapped in that room. This is as I could hear a steed beep next to me. Everything smelled sterilized and clinical, by then I can tell i am in a hospital. So they saved me. But who saved me I was in the flat on my own when I did it I am sure of it. What am I saying I am glad they saved me it means I am here now and I can live my life again however this time I am going to let it be a good kind of life and I will ask for help to get over my depression.

Now that I think about it why can't I see anything and why can't I move. I need to wake myself up.

"Oh Sam you have to wake up you have an hour before I have to pull the plug on the life support machine. Please, Sam, please wake up I need you." I heard the voice of my distress brother, Pj. He sounded like he was crying I don't want him to cry. So with all the strength I could muster I tried to walk myself up. Then I could open my eyes to see Pj holding my hand balling his eyes out I saw know one else in the room except us two. So I said "hey, don't cry it ok there is nothing to cry about. Everything will get better soon I promise."

"Sam is that you is that really you!" he said.
"Yes it me. Oh I am so so sorry Pj I should not have done that to you. It was so selfish and unfair I almost made you have no family left how insensitive of me. I am so sorry." 
"Hey, hey it ok your hear now your alive just don't do that again. If you feel sad, lonely,  depression or even suicidal you must come find me and talk to me about it if not me someone you trust or an adult that could help you and tell me ok."
"Ok I will. And don't worry I will not be trying to do anything like that every again."
With that the two of us just sat there hugging until, three very familiar face walk in. Then with out any warning I got a massive group hug.

"Ok guys I think it's best I tell the doctor Sam awake." My brother says he then proceeded to get up and leave the room. Leaving the four of us in silence. I then brake it by saying "I am so so sorry for doing what I did to you guys. I was not thinking straight and I believe every  horrible despicable word said to me. But now I wish I could go back in time and stop myself just so you don't have to go through the torturer I put you through. Especially Peej." I said as I then divided my gaze to my hands. I worry if I look up they will  stare at me with their harsh eyes full of disgust. But instead they did something unexpected the hugged me. They held me tight.
"It ok Sam you just need help so you didn't drown but you hid it so well we all could not tell just how far you had gone. As you we just so close to the bottom." Phil said to me.

We all then release from the embrace and talk about nothing in particular. A little while later Pj comes back in followed by a doctor. He does some checks on me then asked Pj and Chris to follow him leaving me with Dan and Phil.

Pj Pov

The doctor finished doing checks on Sam to the turn to me and Chris and ask us to follow him. So we did we walked with him out of Sam's room and into his office.
"Please take a set. As you know we have to keep Sam in for a couple more days due to the reason she is here. We are not going to keep her in hospital on watch for a month as we only do that when the patient has tried more then once. But we do want you to keep watch on her 24/7 for at least a month if you wish you can do it for longer but that is down to you. We do suggest that you remove any sharp objects from view and make it harder for her to get hold of any."
"Ok thank you doctor." I say. Me and Chris then get up and leave going back to Sam's room.
"Are you tired Sam. You can have a nap if you would like." I say.
"Yeah I think I will." She says and she then turns over to the other side to sleep. 10 minutes later and the room was full of her soft snoring.
"So what did the doctor say."
"Just that she has to stay in hospital for a few days." I said as I did not want to say everything just in case Sam is just pretending to sleep so she can listen in on our conversation. 

Let's just hope we won't be in this situation ever ever again. I love her way to much to lose her again.

Sam's awake and nobody is to sad or upset. Thanks for reading, please vote and comment if you like. Thanks bye :) :)

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