Chapter 19

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Dan's Pov

Me and Phil had finished our meeting a little bit early then we thought. So we got to the flat where Sam should be quicker. Once we reached the door I got the key from my back pocket and unlocked the door. 
"Hey Sam were are here." Phil said as we entered the flat. We waited a couple of minutes but to know reply. "Sam where are you."  I call out. Still to know reply. So we go look for her.
"She is probably in her room listening to music." Phil said to me reassuringly. We walk towards her room when we saw the bathroom light on so we opened the door and walked in to see....

Sam. Laying on the bathroom floor with her arms cut open and blood dripping from her arms. I heard Phil gasp beside me.
I quickly ran to the cupboard in the bathroom and grabbed two clothes and rushed beside her. I used the clothes to applied pressure to the cuts to stop some of the blood from escaping her body.
"Phil, could you call an ambulance please we need to get her to hospital. Oh."  You see Phil was already on the phone to the emergency services.

"Dan check she is still breathing." I then check and saw she was still breathing.
"Yeah she is still breathing." I said back to him. He then came of the phone.
"Ok the ambulance will be her in 10 minutes."
10 minutes later an ambulance turns up and we both go with her to the hospital. We run in after her only to be stopped by a nurse. Who told us we had to sit and wait for any news. So phil and I go and sit down and i say
"Right, I think it's best you call Pj and Chris to let them know what's happened and that we will meet them here."  He then calls the couple.

Phil's Pov

Me and Dan have found Sam who were are supposed to be babysitting on the floor of her  bathroom bleeding out. I  called an ambulance which took us to the hospital. We are in the waiting room desperately waiting for any news at all. 
Right now I have to call to people who are ment to be on a date with a devastating phone call.

Pj : hello Phil why are you calling me?
Phil: Hey Pj, well have you finished you date.
Pj : yeah, why what's wrong?
Phil: are you sitting down?
Pj:  I am now, please just tell me what is wrong.
Phil: well me and Dan got to your a bit early. And we found Sam  unconscious lying on the floor in the bathroom with her arm cut and bleeding out. We are at the hospital now. We have not heard anything yet. We will meet you there I am so sorry Peej. I have got to go bye.
I then ended the phone call.
I then sat Down by Dan as we wait for news on Sam. We also wait for Pj and Chris to come.

Pj's Pov

"Peej what wrong babe, come it better to talk about it then not. Come on it can't be that bad." Chris says to me whilst tears fall rapidly from my eyes.
"Its... it's.... Sam, s she tried to kill herself Chris. Dan and Phil found her bl -eeding out on the bathroom floor. I don't want to lose my little sister as well, Chris we need to get to the hospital now I need to be there for my little sister."
I said a tears still fall silently from my eyes.

"Oh I am so sorry Peej,  I am sure she will make it through this. We will get a taxi straight to the hospital and you can be right be her side."
"Ok" I said meekly as I let Chris lead me to a taxi to see my little sister.

The ride to the hospital felt like an age. When we reached it we went inside as quickly as we could. When we got inside we saw Dan and Phil waiting for us with tears in there eyes. I wish I could of balled our eyes out to but I decided to be strong for Sam.
"Have you heard anything yet?" I asked with the hope of her being fine and not letting the terrible scenarios getting the better of me.
"No not yet. We are really sorry Peej." Phil said to me trying to smile a bit.
"Its ok phil it wasn't your fault, or our your Dan. It was more my fault how did I not notice."  I look away after I said this to not see the anger in there eyes.
"Hey, hey ,hey it's not your fault either none of us know this was going to happen." Chris says to me to try and make me feel better. But I know deep down that it was my fault that she did what she did.

"Mr liguori."
"Yes that's me." I said as I walked towards him.
"Hello sir if you would follow me into my office. Right take a seat. Ok so I have some go news about Sam and some bad news. What would you like first."
"The good news please."
"Ok so she is alive and we have stitched up her cuts. The blood which was lost in been replaced with some more blood. The bad news however is that she has fell into a coma. But it ok for you and your friends to see her."
"Thank you doctor."
"Well it is my job. And we hope Sam will wake up soon but we are not  to sure when."
With that I left the doctors office and made my way the the boys. I told them we could see Sam, so we  went up to the recipient desk.
"Excuse me what room is Sam liguori in."
"Let me just look." She said then taped away on her computer before saying " she is in room 77 on  the children's ward."
"Ok thank you" I say as I grab hold of the boys and drag then to Sam.
A few corridors later and we are in front of room 77. Hastily I push open the door and rush over to my sister side. 

It's ok I am not that mean would not kill of any of the characters. Anyway thanks for reading. Please vote or comment if you like. Thanks bye (: (: 

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