Chapter 10

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Sam's Pov

The next morning I got up and put a Pile of paper on to of the letter I wrote last night to mum & dad. I then looked at my phone and saw that it was 8 am in the morning. Well I know that I will not go back to sleep now so I might as well have a warm shower. Once I was clear I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Then put on my jeans, owl socks, blue t-shirt and my dark blue hoodie. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. I then proceeded to have a few bits of a cracker. Once I had finished the cracker, I had a cup of tea and made one for my brother and one for Chris. Just as I was about to walk into peej's room I looked at the time on my phone and saw it was 8:30am, that is early for those two. so I then put the cups back in the kitchen and went back to my room.

Time skip

I was half way through a book when I heard my brother shout "Sam come into the living room will you." So I did as he asked I went into the living room. When I walked in I saw the boys all standing in a line in front of the sofa. "Come and sit down Sam we need to tell you something." Pj said. I once again did as he asked and I sat down on the sofa the boys were standing in front of.
"Since you are only 12 you have to go to school. So we all had a look for a nice school for you and we found a really nice one that is only a 20 minutes walk away from here. We applied and you got in so you have a week before you start." Peej said. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"Okay" was the only thing I could say, before I got up and ran out of the house. I ran and ran until I my legs burned. Tears streaming down my faces. I sat down on the dirty ground with my back resting against the wall behind me. I then brought my legs to my chest and rested my head on my knees. Then I just sat there and cried. I don't want to go to a new school. What if know one likes me? What if know wants to be my friend? What if everyone hates me? This only made me cry harder. With the rain pounding down, it helped me to not be unnoticed.

I don't know how long I had been there but I heard footsteps. This was strange because the whole time I had been there know had passed me or been down this street. Then and there I prayed that the person would carry on walk and not stop to look at me or even realize I was there. It had to be my unlucky day because they stopped.
"Hi guys we found her. The street with the abandoned house and shops.yeah that one...ok see you in a couple of minutes." The person said. A few seconds later and I felt someone sit down next to me. I found another person sit on the other side of me. That's when I was sure their was two people. I started to feel myself shake and my breathing became uneasy.

"Ok Sam, it all right. Calm down. You need to breath." Then other person said.
"H-how do you k-know my n-name leave me a-alone" I said in between my shake breaths. I felt some arms around me and I started to cry and my breathing became shallower.
"Shhh, Shhh. Sam it's me your brother Pj. Can you breath for me a nice deep breath in and out. That's it. It's ok. " Pj said. I felt safe in his arms. Once I had Calmed down a bit I lifted my head on to Peej's shoulder. As soon as I was definitely calm, I lifted my head off Peej's shoulder and looked a 3 concerned faces of Dan, Phil and Chris. "Sorry guys I did not know it was you. I am also sorry that I flipped out and ran off." I said.
"It ok Sam" They all said in unison.
"Lets go back home so we can get out our wet clothes. An you younger lady we go to get some rest and we will talk about everything in the morning ok" Peej said. So I said "Ok lets go home then." With that we all started to make our way back with Pj's arm around me the whole way home. Once we reached our flat we went in and got changed out our wet cloths. I then proceeded to climb into bed and have get some rest like Peej had told me to.

Hey guys thanks for reading and I will talk to you in the next chapter :) :)

This shouldn't happen to anyone else!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt