Chapter 6

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With Sam sitting there with her crazy comments we all had a laugh or two. It felt less on edge with Sam, with us. I looked at my watch and realized that it late another to take us all out to dinner as a thank you for all they have done for me and my sister.

We walked down to the Italian place down the road from Dan and Phil's place. Once we got there we sat at a table near the back. Dan and Phil sat next one another and me and Chris sat opposite them. Sam sat on the end of the table. A little while after we had settled a waitress came over and took our orders. We all mindlessly chatted about things like video games and the new movies that are out. The waitress came over with our food, which we all ate in silence. An hour later, we had all finished up and I paid for everyone, we went back to the guys flat. When we got in it was late and all of us were shattered. So we decided to call it a night.

Once we had got ready for bed we found out were we where sleeping. Chris and I got the guest bed. Dan got his bed. After a lot of arguing Sam got the sofa, Which leaves Phil with his own bed. After the sleeping arrangements were settled, got to our beds and went to sleep.

Hey thanks for reading hope you enjoyed but seen as its a short chapter I will update a second one later on. Ok thanks for reading and I will talk to you again in the next chapter. :)

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