chapter 23

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PJ's Pov

Sam has been out of hospital since yesterday evening. As before she left I had to make the flat safe for her to be in just to be safe. I found all of her blades and flushed them down the toilet, padlocked the knife draw in the kitchen and hid the key in my bed side table draw. I also set up a baby monitor in Sam's room, I hid under her bed. I know I probably should not have hid a monitor in her room it just a to protect her.

Once she has had her last check by the doctor she was signed out and we took her home. As soon as we got inside we expected her to sleep as that's want the doctor said would happen, but she did not want to go to sleep. In the end we watched one of her favourite movies, over the hedge. When the film had ended I walked with Sam into her room. She had already changed into her pyjamas, so had Chris and I. She brushed her teeth, then hopped into bed. I tucked her in like I use to when are parents we out and it was just us two until late. She then fell asleep.

~~Next day ~~

 At the moment,  Chris is out getting us a few bits and pieces whilst   Sam is reading a book. I am on my laptop, editing a video I filmed a few days ago explaining why I have filmed any videos or been on any social media for two months. The tiny planet explores shouldn't  mind I would hope that would do the same of one of their family members in our situation.

A hour and a half later I had finished editing. I then upload it to my YouTube channel. Once it was done I tweeted about it and replied to a few of my fans. Then the door clicked open and Chris come in with the shopping. He put everything away then walked into the living room.
"Hey Chris, how are you? Did the shopping go well?" I asked him as he sat down next to me.
"I am good, it did go well I got everything we need Plus a few extras. Now relax as it all fine ok." He said.
"Ok I am sorry I just, you know." I said with a sigh.
"It ok Peej. Should we make some snacks and watch a movie?" He asked me.
"Ok, Sam do you want to pick a movie for us to watch? Come on then Chris lets go make some snacks." I then proceeded to stand up and walk out to the kitchen. When we got in Chris got some small bowls from the cupboard. I got some crisps and some popcorn and poured some from each bag into each of the small bowls. Me and Chris then picked up a bowl each and walked back into the living room, placed the bowls on the coffee table. Sam was now sitting in front of the shelf which holds all of the DVDS on.

"Can we watch Hansel and Gretel witch hunters? Please, please, please" she asked.
( I would recommend this movie if you have not watched it. It is my all time favourite. Anyway back to the story.)
Me and Chris look at each other before saying, ok and she placed it in side of the DVD player. We then spent the rest of our day  taking it in turns to choose a movie to watch.

Before we know it, it was 9 o'clock at night and time for someone to go to bed. I turned to look at Sam to see she is curled up on the other sofa asleep. So I went over and picked her up and put her in her bed. I tucked her in and kissed her forehead good night and left her room.

I hope you enjoy this home insight in what they do in a lazy day.
Thanks for reading, please vote and comment if you would like. Thanks bye (: (:

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