Chapter 13

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Sam's Pov

It's been a week since I started the new school. I have felt happier with the 3 friends I have there really nice to me and I have never had that before. At my old school I had no friends no one wanted to talk to me so, I never talked to anyone else. So it's nice to have people to talk to other than my family.

Right now I am in Maths. The first few lessons went really quickly well art English and drama are lesson I don't mind especially as I have one of my friends sitting next to me. Unfortunately that is not the case for maths. The teacher made me sit right at the back of the class, in the seat where know one else sits anywhere around me. So I pretty much get away with doodling in my note book.

I look at my watch to see that I have 2 minute before lunch. These minutes are going agonisingly slowly. I just want to be able to see my friends and talk to them. So I start mindlessly doodling a picture of a girl crying in the corner. I take on look at it and carefully shut my note book just as the bell go's. I then pack everything away and walk out the class room to meet James.

"Um... James I need to go to my locker to put some of my books back and get the ones for next lesson out. So you can go meet the others in the cafeteria and I will be with you in a bit." I said.
"Ok then see you in a couple of minutes then." He said whilst walking away towards the cafeteria. I the stated walking towards the corridor my locker is down. My locker quite far away from the main part of the school so it takes a while to get there and back.

Once I had put every thing in my locker and got out what I needed I made my way back to were my friends were. After I had turned the corner I was faced with three face I was dreading to see again. "Well, well, well. Look who we have here." The girl said. "You are going to pay for walking into my last week and for disturbing us now. Don't worry I keep to my promise."

I did not say a word or try to escape, that will only make things worse. She then pushed me against the wall and punched me in the gut and winded me. I sunk to ground. The others then joined in as I got kicked ever where. My head hit the wall with one punch, then again. I could see black sports covering my vision. Then everything went black.

James Pov ( yes that's right new pov)

It been ten minutes surely Sam should be back by now. "I am giving it two more minutes and then we are looking for her." I said two my two best friends. "Maybe she's gone to the toilet, she will be back soon." Seph said. I then finished my lunch and binned my rubbish. I looked up at the clock it's been another 10 mins.

"Right I am going to look for Sam it's been 20 minutes and it can't take that long to go to her locker and back." I exclaimed.
"Ok then why don't you go look at the corridor near her locker, I will look around her and Seph you look around the main corridors." Jamie explained.
"If anyone finds her ring each other ok. Let's go!" Seph said. So we all grabbed our bags and split up I walked towards the Sam's locker when l found her laying on the floor covered in blood and bruises.

I called the others and told them where we are. She was lucky breathing so she was only knocked out. I found her phone and called her brother.
Calling Pj
P: hello Sam why are you calling me. Are you ok?
J: hello sorry I'm James one of Sam's friend. She is kind of unconscious right now. So I was wondering if you could possibly pick her up and take her home. I will explain what happened when you get here.
P: ok I am son my way now can you meet me out side the gates please.
J: yeah. Ok bye.
P: bye
End of call.

The drama has begun and soon there will be a little bit of fluffy bet you can't guess who that will be in between. Anyway hope you enjoyed and I will talk to you guys in the next chapter.
:) :)

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