Chapter 15

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!!!¿¿ Slight trigger warnings in this so don't read if your easy triggered??!!!!

Sam's Pov

James, Jamie and Seph have left about half an hour ago. They also told me that I am not getting out of there sight at school just in case anything else happens. I made up an excuse for Pj and the others went along with it as I am pretty sure if I told my brother the truth I would not be going back to that school again. The truth is I have just settled in the new school I have some friends, I am not throwing that way due to some kids older then me that think I am a just some stupid little kid.

We are all current sat on the sofa and the boys are eating some fish and chips for their dinner. There is some music playing in the back ground. It just so happens to be stressed out by twenty one pilot's. Once the song had finished I walked to my room well I kind of limped because I still hurt but it was bearable another to be able to move on my own now.

As soon as I reached my room I went in and changed into my pyjamas and got into my bed and fell into a deep sleep when my head touched the pillow.

"Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam get up right now." A voice I recognized as Dan's said.
"I'm up what do you want." I said groggily.
"Well if you don't get up and dressed in 20 minutes then some people might see you naked." Chris said to me to try get me to get dressed. I sighed. I then turned back over and trying to get back to sleep. A few seconds later and I felt someone rip the covers of me and lift me up and take me and place me in the living room.
"Come on Sam get dressed and I will make pancakes ok." Pj said.
"Ok" I said. So with that I opened my eyes and trudged back to my room and got dressed in my black skinny jeans, black boots and my blue and white striped t- shirt.

Once I was dressed I got brushed my teeth and all that stuff. I then walked into the kitchen and Pj handed me a plate of pancakes. I then sat down on the sofa while the others happily in front of the tv with ATO on. I had a bit of one of my pancakes but I felt sick already. I looked at what was pretty much an untouched plate of pancakes I carefully put my plate on the coffee table and speed walked to the bathroom. I then proceeded to throw back up the good I had ate. whilst I was emptying my stomach I felt a comforting hand rubbing circles on my back. Once I had finished I brushed my teeth again to get rid of the after taste.

I turn around to see 4 very worried and apologetic faces. "Its fine I know you forgot it's ok, I just can't hold in anything with that much sugar. But really it fine ok." I said with a smile on my face. I just need to get back to my room and punish my self for even letting anything enter my body. At least they have not fond out about that yet. Well I can tell I won't be getting away for a little while yet. Well Seeing as I am of for the rest of the week due to be knocked unconscious the school said I have to have the rest of the week.

We then all walked back into the living room. The five of us then played video games until lunch time when everyone at and I sat on the sofa reading the the Fought in our stars. Once they had finished we all played bored games. Once we had finished it was time of me to go to bed. "Night guys." I said tiredly. I brushed my teeth and did the thing I hand not thought I would go back to a couple of months ago.

Once I had finished I washed my now new 17 cuts which littered my arm. I then wrapped a bandage around them so they don't get any worse, I then left the bathroom and went into my room with my blade in my hand. That night I cried myself to sleep what a grate end to a day full of ups and downs.

Pj Pov

Me and Chris went into my room to cuddle and fall asleep in each other's arms. Now I know what your thinking are you together? When did it happen? Well to answer the first yes we are together. And about when about a month ago. We are planning to start telling people about are relationship tomorrow.

"Do you think they will not like us being together and what if we have no friends anymore because they think we are wrong and fags." I said wincing at the last word which left my lips as if it was a cut digging deeper into my skin. "Hay,hay it ok to worry about all the negative which could come of us coming out of the closet but they is sure to be people who won't really care about us being together just as long as we are happy." Chris said kissing the top of my head.

"You see this is why I feel in love with you, you know what to say and how to cheer others up." I say look up into the eyes of the most beautiful man I have every layed eyes on. A smirk made its way onto his face good how can one man be so bloody perfect all the time.

"Well if we are naming everything we love about each other, we may be here a while, as their is a very long list about all the things that I love about you." He said matter of factly. I then blushed at the words which left his mouth.
I then snuggled into his chest and cuddled into him until I was comfortable. Chris just held me lovingly and that is how we both fell asleep. Close to each other.

Well hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did you could vote or comment if you like. Also hoped you liked the fluff. I will update again soon just quite busy at at them moment with mock exams and stuff. So yeah see you amazing beautifully people next time. Also don't think my last statement was not true because you are even if you think you aren't.
Ok bye.

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