chapter 25

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Pj Pov

It has been two months since Sam started school again. All has been going well, she has not been beaten up at all or hurt in an way possible. That is something I am pleased for. In a way it's nice to pick up my sister from school and drop her off in the morning, in a way I kind of feel like I could be a parent on day my self with Chris obviously.

It Saturday today and at the start of last week my friend and fellow YouTube Felix texted me telling me that him and Mazia are going to have a Halloween part at the weekend. Anyway I am invited and so was Chris. He also said Sam could come. So it about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the perfect time for me to tell Sam about this party.

So I picked up the Halloween costume for her. Then I walked down the hall to her bedroom. When I got their I knocked lightly on her open door. "May I come in?"
"Yeah of course you can. What would you like me to do for you?" She asked.
"Oh I don't want you to do anything for me. I just wanted to give you this, and ask if you want to come to a Halloween party with me and Chris." I say as I give her a folded pill of clothes.
" Yes I would love to come with you guys. Who's party is it, if you don't mind me asking." She said excitedly.
"It Felix and Mazia's party. Lots of YouTubers will be there. I would suggest starting to get ready at four o'clock."
"Ok thank you Peej." Sam said while giving me a hug, I hugged her back. "Your very welcome. I will leave you alone now bye." I said as I left her room to go it to the living room.

I then spend the next 3 and a half hour cuddling on the sofa with Chris. Whilst we watched a movie or two.

Four o'clock came quicker then I expected it to. So me and Chris are currently changing into our costumes. I am being a vampire, can you guess what Chris is? Yeah he is a vampire too. He could not think of anything else to be. So, he choose to be what every I was being which turned out to be a vampire. Once I was ready I went to check on Sam. When I got to her room she was looking in the mirror trying to do cat whisker on her face but have trouble to get it even. So I said "would you like me to do that for you?"
"Yes please." So I took the washable pen and did the perr perfect cat whisker on her.
"You ready to go then?"
"Yes I am ready to go to a spooky Halloween party." We then walked down the hall to the front door. Sam, Chris and I then got in my car and drove to Felix and Mazia's party. We know when we were there as you could her the music from the bottom of the street.

After I had found a parking space on the street we all got out and entered the packed house. First of all we found the host's of the party to thank them for inviting us and to show we are here. After that we entered the kitchen to find the only people in there were Dan and Phil. The boys all had an alcoholic beverages, I did not as I was driving and Sam can't as she is still to young to drink alcohol. Dan and Phil talked to us lightly sipping their drinks whilst Chris had about 4  beers. 

Sam's pov

It been an hour since we arrived here. The five of us have not left the kitchen yet. We all have had a good conversation talking about lots of interesting things. We then decide to move from the kitchen to the living room. We then went and talked to Dean, Jack, Hazel and Dodie. "Hey Sam you look very cute as a cat. Also just a quick question can you sing?" Dodie asked me.
"I don't know I have never really listened to myself." I said true fully to her.
"Hey Peej can your sister sing?"
"I don't know I have never heard her sing." He said.
"Well I will come round one day and we can have a see." She said.
"Yeah that sounds like fun." I say.
"Me and Phil are going to step outside for a few minutes." They say as the make their way through the crowd towards the garden. I then had a conversation with hazel about what I want to do when I am older. I said "I would like to get into acting in a couple of movies and maybe on the west end."
"That sounds like a good plan to me. I think you brother will support you 100 % in anything you do. I would love to see you act one day." She said.
"I am a bit hot I am just going to step in the garden for a few minutes then I will be back."
"Yeah sure that's fine just as long as you come back soon." Peej said to me. I then made my way through the crowd towards the garden.

Once I stepped outside I felt a lot better. I then decided to walk around towards the little ally besides the house. I was just about to go back in when I felt rather light headed. Then all of a sudden my world went completely black.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you liked the cliff hanger. Once again thanks for reading please vote or comment if you like
Bye   :) :)

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