Chapter 11

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Pj Pov

Once Sam had gone to bed I thought it was the right time to tell my friends who still look very concerned and a tad bit confused.

"Sorry guys she didn't recognize you. It happens that when she is upset or scared that she didn't realize or trust anyone. That is expected me. This all started when she was about 5 I think. Anyway we all went out as a family to the park, to have a picnic. Sam ran ahead of us into so trees and lost site of us. I then ran into the forest to find her and she was talk to a strange the then grabbed hold of her and tried to take her somewhere. Luckily she's quite a bright person. She bit their had and ran towards me but went past. I found her shaking leaning against a tree. I managed to calm her down. From then on in every time she in a bad mood she will not recognize anyone or calm down unless it's me. Sorry she just sceptical about people." I explained to my friends.

Afterwards I myself went to bed and they boys followed a little while later.
In the morning I talked to Sam this time Dan and Phil stood near the door so we can catch her easier if she flips out again. Chris sat the other side of her with me to convince her school was not as bad as she thinks it is. Eventually we get come to an agreement that if she doesn't feel ready on the first day we, she can call us and and we will pick her up and she can go when she is ready.

Chris and I have got a lot closer since Sam turned up at my doorstep. Little did I know what will come next. But Chris has been with my thoughts it all his become my rock. And I have started to develop feeling towards him that are more than friends. But I know he will never like me back. How could anyone love someone like me. But Chris on the other had is handsome, smart, funny and just so perfect. I wish he did like me.

Thanks for reading hope to talk to you wonderful people in the next chapter.

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