Chapter 16

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Sam's Pov

It has been about a week since I was knocked unconscious by the bullies at my school. So I have to go back tomorrow. Which I am quite looking forward to I can't wait to see my friends again. It feels like a age since I last Spoke to them face to face.

So it's a Sunday night and I don't really want to go to sleep you see I have been having this dream for the past week I have not been at school, were I as stuck in this dark eerie corridor. It the same every night I feel like someone is following me the something grabs hold of my arm and I try to escape but I can't then I wake up in a cold sweat with tears streaming down my face. I the stay up the rest of the night as I am to scarred to go back to sleep.

So here I am sat in the living room reading a book. I really want to stay wake all night just so I won't fall into the dream world. Pj, Chris, Dan and Phil are also still sat here. The only difference is they are all on there laptops probably on the internet.

"It probably best for you to go to bed now Sam, or else you will be exhorted in the morning." Said Phil. Oh no,no, no I can't go to bed or the man will get me on my sleep. I have to think of a excuse and quick.
"I am not tied yet." I said will that should let me stay up a bit longer.
"Sam you are officially tied or else you would not be doing that with you eye now would you." Pj said matter of factly.
"Doing what and I am not tired." I say with a sleepy tone.
"Your doing it now, you've done it ever since you were little you close one eye when you are tired." Says Peej.
"Now come on, tell us why you don't want to go to sleep." says Phil.
Once that is said I folded the corner of the page I was reading in my book over and closed the book. Then I proceeded to get up and go and put the book back in my room. I sat down on my bed and fixed my eyes on my lap.

Just as I was about to tell them another excuse for not going back to bed they all walked into my room. That's when I realized that it is probably time I confused the real reason behind all this. So I looked up and fixed my eyes upon my floor. I said, " I don't want the man to get me in my sleep." It came out as more of a whisper then I expected but I am sure they heard. I then felt two presences next to me and two in front. A hand was placed under my chain which lifted my head up so I was look up into Pj's eyes. Well now is going to harm you now and now one will ever as much as lay a harmful finger on you if I have anything to do with it. How about I help you get settled yeah." He says. I then let him help me to get ready for bed.
Once I had finished brushing my teeth I almost fell over due to the sleep trying to drag me under. Just as I almost fell for the second time Dan came round the corner dressed in his pyjamas. He picked me up and carried me to bed.
Peej was already waiting in my room in his pyjamas. Dan gentle placed me in my bed and Pj pulled up my cover over me. As he was about to leave I said "please stay with me tonight." He then pulled out the spare already made bed from under mine. I then drifting into the world of sleep knowing someone is there for me in the morning.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed I will hopefully update again. Please vote or comment but only if you think it is worth another.
To colour-of-sadness I am procrastinating!!!!
Ok bye you wonderful human being. :)

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