Chapter 21

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Sam's Pov

The last thing I remember is letting the blood drain from me to slowly being pulled into unconscious. Then the next thing I know I am in here. I have been trapped in this small square room in the pitch dark for what feels like forever. But really it's probably been a few days or weeks. I am in the middle of this room. The only thing which is interesting is that at either end of the room there is two doors one shows a white light the other door shows day light. The only difference between the two sorcerers of light is that the day light never weavers compared to the other light which dulls sometimes.

The only thing I have for entertainment it my own brain which is not good as it means the voice are free to do or say what every they want as there is nothing to let me distract myself with. However one good thing is that they only say words to me as they can't get me to cut or anything as their is nothing I could use to hurt myself with in here. 

Right now the voices are not here with me but I do feel empty and like a prisoner stuck inside this room.

I look at the door with the white light at the end of the room to see its slightly duller then earlier. It kind of reminds me of what happens when a happy person becomes sad. So their bright light dims. I hear a creak come from the other side of the room I quickly spin around to see the door the other end of the room opening. Two fingers come through and close the door but leaving as small amount of light entering the room.

As the two figures get closer I could tell who they were, my mum and dad.  

"Hello Sam, sweet." My mum said to me.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well as you know you are very young. So you have a choice to make end your life now and come into heaven with us. Or go back to your life on earth with your friends, Pj and what else your life might hold for you." My dad said.
"But let us tell you your life will get better and don't just do this decision based on yourself. Think of you brother, who you would be leaving behind. He would have no family left as you are his only remaining family left. Also we will be waiting for you in heave when it your time. We are so so sorry we left you two but it was are time. We have achieved everything we wanted in life. You have so much more to give." Mum says.
"But this is your decision, so you do what you feel is right. Follow you heart sweet and we will see you again soon. But hopefully not to soon." Dad says. They then both kiss me on the top of my head before they leave through the door they entered from.

As I think about what my parents told my I got what they wanted me to do and I can feel in my heart that is what I want to do. However it's not just for me it's for Pj and for everyone I care about and care for me too.

I chose to live my life again and this time for a long long time. For as long as my body will allow me to. I want to have a good job, get a boyfriend, then husband. I want to have a dog or cat or fish, I want to have children and be a family. I chose to live on earth with my future to be writing, and so many more adventurous to be had.

Yay Sam is going to live again and Pj want be so sad.
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