Chapter 14

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James Pov

After I have finished on the phone I looked at Sam and turned to the others. "So we need to get her out side so she can go home with her brother as he said he would meet us at the gate." I said.
"How about I take her backpack and you cary her and Seraphina you sign her out and say she fainted." Explained Jamie.

With that said, Seraphina went and signed her out and I bent down a scoped her up and held her bridle style. Jamie picked up her backpack and opened the door so I could take us both through, with Jamie following behind us. Many doors later and the four of us were waiting outside the gates for Pj to turn up.

Whilst waiting I checked to see how badly hurt she was. There were about 13 cuts on her body and there is probably many more bruises. I know now that I am never letting Sam walk around school on her own just so I one of us can protect her if she ever run into the bullies again.

10 minutes later and a car pulls up beside us, with four very worried men inside. The one that was driving opened his door and walked towards us.
"Hello, I am Pj. Thank you guys even so much for finding Sam and calling me. If you don't mind me asking what are your names?" Pj ask.
"Don't worry about it. I am James, this is Seraphina and that's Jamie." I said.
"Ok thank you so, so much. Do you mind if I take Sam home now?" He asks.
"Yeah sure, is it ok if we come round later to see how she is?" Seraphina asks.
"Of course you can. I have a feeling we might need your guys help to get the truth out of her." Said Pj. He then took Sam's backpack from Jamie and took Sam from my arms. He then walked back of to his car and placed Sam in the back with two other men. Once he had closed the door he turned to us and said "I text you the address on Sam's phone later. And thanks again."
"It okay." The three of us said in unison before he turn to the car opened the door got in and drove away.

We then went back into school just in time for the bell to ring for next lesson. Great, two more lessons and form to get through until I can see how Sam is doing.

Pj Pov

After I had packed the car in the car park, I got Sam out of the car carried her into the living room with help from the others. I placed her on the sofa, Dan grabbed a blanket and placed it over her, Phil got the first aid kit and Chris helped me clean her up. When we had finished cleaning her wounds, we sat down and texted her friends the address.

Half an hour later she started to stirring. A grown left the lips before her eyes fluttered open. "Oh Sam thank god you alright." I said.
"How did I get home? What happened?" Asked Sam.
"Well your friends found you passed out on the floor at school. So they called me and I drove to you school your friend James carried you out to meet me and the boys. We then took you home place you on the sofa cleaned up your wounds and left you to sleep." He said.
"Oh well thank you for picking me up. I will text my friends later and tell them thank you." She said.
"Oh I said the could come over when they finish school and I text them the address from your phone. Don't worry I did not look through your phone." I told my sister.
"Oh, okay."
"Well do you want a cup of tea?"
"Yes please if that is okay with you." She said trying to get up but I could tell she was in pain. So I stood up and went over to her and said "Do you want to get up and where do you want to go" I asked her. "I do want to get up but I can't as my body in so much pain. I just want to go to the toilet." Once she had said that I then picked her up and took her to the bathroom. "Do you need me to help you anymore or not" I ask.
"No I think I can do it myself now thank you" she said.
"Your welcome no give me a shout when you need me to take you back to the living room ok." I say as I walk out of the bathroom to go make the tea.

I walked into the kitchen and turned on the kettle. I got 5 cup as I assume the other would want a cup as well. I put tea bag in all the cup the pour the water in cups and then add the milk. I the gave Dan, Phil and Chris there cups. I put mine and Sam's cup on the coffee table.

I was just about to go check on Sam when I heard her say, "Peej can you come and help me please." I the walk up to the bathroom and knocked on the door "is it ok for me to come in." I asked.
"Yes you can come in" she said. I walked in to see her sat on the closed toilet seat. "Would you like me to carry you back?"
"Yes please"
I then picked her up and carried her back to the living room. I put her down on the sofa. She then grabbed her cup of tea and I grabbed mine and sat down at the end of the sofa. "Thanks for the tea." Sam said.

**Hour time skip**

Knock knock
Chris went to get the door and I followed. We opened the door to three worried face. " Don't worry, she is awake and in the living room. It this way follow me." I said.

As soon as we entered the room I saw Sam look our way. A smile appeared on her face when she saw her friends. "Oh thank you guys so much for helping me at school to day." She says to them. "Your very welcome. How are you feeling now." The boy I think was called James said.

Thank for reading please vote and comment if you want to. I will update again next week. I wonder what will happen next with Sam and James and I will add some Kickthestickz fluffy in the next chapter. I will talk to you guys next time. Bye. :) :)

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