Chapter 5

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Sam's Pov
I peeled my eyes open to be in familiar surroundings. Then I remembered what happened a couple of hours ago. I then realized I was in Phil's bed. Grate I thought, I looked around the room to see the 4 boys asleep on chairs around the room. Alone I need to be alone and get ride of the voices of a bit. Bathroom, that should have a lock on the door and I can sit alone. I crept out of the room carefully not to wake anybody. Carefully I crept into the bathroom and locked the door so know one could come in. But in here it make be want to cut again, because the voices they are telling me to. But I can't I will wake everyone if I do.
I'll go for a walk in the dark night. To get some air so I can feel free again. I started to write an note although the voices started to get the better of me. I need to release the boys from the bearden. That bearden being me.

The note read
Sorry guys I could not take it anymore.
So I have gone for a walk.
I might come back soon, but I might not.
It's easier for you without me.
I as so sorry

I placed this on the bed for them to find when they wake up. With that done I left. Making sure I did it quietly so not to wake up everyone. I walked in the quiet night. It was calming walk at night in the dark the voices had gone silent for now. I let my feet take me were even they wanted to go.

Half an hour later and I stop on the old bridge. This was it. Mum and dad are dead all because of me. I took a step closer to the edge. Peej and his friends are burdened with me. And another. I deserve to suffer for what I cursed. Another step. As I was about to take my final step some grabbed hold of me and cradled me like a baby. I jolted awake covered in sweet and silence tears falling from my eyes. "Shh it's ok. I'm here it was only a dream." I heard Pj whisper whilst rocking me back and forth. I quickly calmed down. "Do you want to talk about it?" Asked Pj.
"Not really. If that ok?" I asked suddenly becoming scared of what might happen if my choice was the wrong one.
"Of course it ok. Now do you want to play monopoly with us or just watch."
"If you don't mind could I watch please." I asked in a small voice. I don't really want the voices to tell me things if I can't get away quickly if they do. "Of course you can you can come and sit here." He said patting a spot next to him. So I sat and watched the boys play monopoly.

Hi guys thanks for reading hope you enjoy and I will talk to you guys in the next chapter. :) :)

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