Chapter 17

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Sam's Pov

It has been a mouth since I have started back at school. It's been nice to have friends around me. They have also made sure at least one of them is around me at all times at school. You see it dose stop the bullies around school don't get me wrong there. However it makes it harder to do anything by my self.

Another thing is that yes, my friends are around me when I am in school however they are not when I walk home. One day I was minding my own business and walking home, I came a cross an alleyway. I went down it and it made the work home faster. So when I was on my way home the next day I went down the alleyway. But this time the bullies where their. So I got beaten up because they missed doing as they haven't been able to at school.

Now you see right now I an lying on the ground of the alleyway waiting for the pain to subside so I can carry one my way home. So yeah it's been 10 minutes since they left me hear, a beat up pulp on the floor. Carefully I moved myself into a sitting position. I then got my phone out of my pocket to checked the time. I then went on to the front camera on my phone to check for anything that I might need to hide. Luck the were no bruises my face yet.

I then pushed my self to standing up, then I picked up my bag. Then I walked slowly home, well I more of limped as my right leg was I agony. By the time I got home I was no longer limping. This is as I have no more pain in my leg. As soon as I reached my front door, I opened it and walked in.
" i'm home" I shouted once I had closed the door.
"Hello Sam, we are cooking dinner it should be ready in 20 minutes." Pj shouts back. I then walk up to my room and put my bag next my bed. The next thing I need to do is wash my body to help clean of the blood from my cuts and sooth my body.
I walked in the bathroom and locked the door. As I can't have anyone come in and see my horrible excuse of a body. Cautiously peeled my cloths from my body, an steeped in the shower. I turned the shower on. The water started to cascade from the shower and land on my me. It strung as it entered the cuts.

Once I had finished in the shower, I unlocked the door look both ways and bolted to my room. In my room I got changed and then made my way to the living room to wait for dinner.

As soon as we had finished dinner I made my way back to my room. Homework, that's what I did next, maths to be precise. Then next thing I did was my bathroom routine. Which consisted of using the toilet, brushing my teeth, washing my face and cutting myself for my punishment for they day. That took about 30 minutes. I then get on my pyjamas. Pj and Chris then come in and wish me good night before going to bed them selfs.

Just like every other night of my life I cry myself to sleep.

Thanks for read please vote if you want to. I will also be writing a lot more now as it the summer holidays. Also this book will be coming to an end very soon.
Ok thanks for reading and I will talk to you wonderful people in the next chapter.
Bye :)

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