chapter 26

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PJ's pov

I had to take Chris home in the car as he is so drunk he might collapse any second now so I decided to take him home in the car and come back for Sam as it only 11 o'clock.

So I took Chris out the party and to my car. I then drove us home to our house. When I got in our driveway I parked the car and safely got a very a drunk mess who happened to be my boyfriend out of the car. I took him in the house and up to our bedroom. I then took of his shoes and jacket and put him to bed.

After he was sound asleep I went back to the party, which had much since Finished. I look around for Sam and could not find her. I then went up to Felix and asked "have you seen Sam."
"No I thought she left with you."
"No she did not." The next thing I did was call all my friends that I know came to the party. Nobody had seen her or even talk to her after she went outside. so that is where I went next but to my luck she was not there. I rang her phone to be meet with no reply. 14 times. That's how many times I rang her. it just went straight to voicemail and I know she had her phone on her. 

After I could not find her at all I started to panic. I can't believe I have lost her again the first time it was almost for ever. This time could be the same if I don't find her. Mazia and Felix calmed me down and told me to go home and look for her in the morning, in the light. So that is what I did. I drove home, got into my house and changed into my pyjamas and got into mine and Chris bed. And feel asleep with one thing on my mind to find my sister in the morning.

I work up at 6 o'clock then next morning to find it is still dark but I know it would get brighter in an hour's time. So I out of bed and the got dressed. I left my bedroom and went down the hall to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and then went back to mine and Chris bedroom. I put the glass of water down and got the emergency paracetamol out from my sock drew and left them next to water. I know Chris will have a killer head ache, due to the huge hang over he is going to have. He did have far to much alcohol last night. I then grabbed a note book and wrote a note for him when he wakes up, to tell him to where I am and what has happened.

Once I had done all of that I made my self a cup of green tea and grabbed a banana. Then I rang round all of my friends and asked them if they could help me find my little sister.

30 minutes later and I had 20 people in my house. My wonderful friends here to help me find my little one and make sure she is safe and sound for as long as she needs to be looked after.

"Thank all of you for coming to help me find my little sister. If you guys would not mind splitting up into small groups so we can cover more ground. I need to find her as I don't want to lose anyone else."
"It alright Pj we will find her. I am sure she has not gone so far."
"If anyone finds any thing of even finds Sam text everyone on the group we made. Thanks again everyone for doing this for me."

A chorus of its ok and don't worry about it. Was hear from the group. With that we all made our way out in to the street. We then split up to try and find her. We did decide to meet back up at my house at 1 o'clock.

After a lot of walking around and not find anything six hours had passed and I had to meet all of my friends at my house hopping that at least one of them had found something.

Once I got to my house everyone of my friends were waiting out side. As soon as they saw me they went from nattering to dead silence. "You don't need to go quite just as I am here. You can all coming inside and I will bye you all pizza as a thank you for helping me out." I said everyone agreed and followed me inside. Everyone either sat on a chair on the sofa or stood around the room. I then orders 10 pizza for us all to share.

"Did you find anything then love." Chris said to me after stuffing the last of his pizza in his mouth.
"No unfortunately i didn't. Did anyone else?"  I asked with slight optimism in my voice.
Almost everyone said no until someone said "I did find her phone as it looks like her phone. Here is it hers." Louise said as she handed me the phone.
"It is her phone. Oh god what has happened to her. Where is she, I hope my little sister is not hurt." I said the last sentence more to myself then anyone else. I thought about what to do next but could not think straight as I was so worried about her.
"Pj I think it would be best that you told the police and got them involved." Phil suggest.
"Yeah I agree with Phil, pj you have to tell them and they do some more widespread  researching with better equipment." Dan said. Everyone looked at me waiting for an answer.
"Ok I will go down to the police station now and tell them Chris could you come with me please as I don't know if I can do it on my own." I said.
"Of course I can let's go. Everyone else you can stay here as long as you like." Chris told us all, as we both got on our shoes and coats, put our phones in our pockets. We them left to go to the police station.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I am going to rap this up soon but thanks for reading please vote or comment if you like bye :) :)

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