Chapter 27

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Pj pov

Once Chris pulled up out the police station we both got out and went in. We walked up to the front desk and the police lady behind it says "Hello how can I help you."
"Hello I would like to report a missing person."
"Ok, who is it?"
"It's my little sister Sam Liguori."
"When was the last time she was seen."
"Yesterday evening at about eight thirty when she went outside for some fresh air and then was not seen again after that."
"Ok. I would like for you to fill out the rest of this form and give it back to me when you done." I took the form of the lady. Me and Chris sat down on the chairs at the back and I filled out the form. When I have finished I gave the it back to the women behind desk.
"Ok I am going to give this to a police team right now and if we find anything we will give you a call straight away."
"Ok thank you." With that we left the station and went home when we got back then only people left were Dan, Phil, Jack, Dean, Hazel, Louise and Dodie. They all said that they stayed here because they want to check I was ok and ask how it went. They stayed with us with half an hour until they had to go home.

"Hey Peej how do you actually feel and be truthful with me."
"I am worried and tired. Do you think we could got to bed and cuddle." I asked him
"Of course we can come on let's go." We then walked to our bedroom and got into our pyjamas and got into bed. Chris held me tightly and helped me feel better knowing he is here for me. I then feel into a peaceful slumber.

A month and a half time skip

It's been a month and a half since Sam went missing. It's been very hard to get used to the fact that she is not here with us. The police have not  found anything yet. All of my friends have been very supportive they would come over and talk to me and try to cheer me up.

Me and Chris decided to cuddle up on the sofa. As I just had another wall of tears from worrying about if I will ever see Sam again. Chris was playing with the mess of curl's on my head which calmed me down very quickly. I was so calm that I was drifting in and out of consciousness. Then my phone went of. I picked it up and answered it to here Phil say "have you seen the video on YouTube that you are tagged in."
"What! No I haven't have you?" Chris looked at me in concern written all over his face.
" No I have not I thought I should let you first."
"Ok thank you I will watch it now." I said as I hung up.
"Peej what was that all about there is a video on YouTube I need to watch now." I said as I grabbed my laptop of the coffee table and loaded up YouTube. I looked at my recommend videos and saw a video with Sam in the thumb nail, and I click play straight away.

Peej it's me Sam I am safe and no harm will come to me. Unless you don't pay the £10,000 fee to get me back.
She then hold up a card a a few seconds and puts it back down again. It was to fast to work out what was written on it. I then take it back an pause it on the card. It reads 'don't   pay the fee. Dean's going to help you guys find me.' I then see a number come up on the screen. The bank account details to pay them the money but I trust Dean so i am not going to pay them the money.
I then text every one on the group chat I created. Telling them to come to  my house as quickly as possible.

Thanks for reading please vote or comment if you want to. Hope you enjoyed this interesting chapter and I will talk to you in them next one bye :) :)

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