AC: Karasuma x Reader 2

Start from the beginning

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asks smiling up at me.

"Smile like that. I fall deeper in love with you every time you do" I say leaning down rope know his lips quickly.

"I love you Tadomi"

"I love you (Y/n)"

We told each other before he kissed me softly. 

And just like that I was picking a bag and moving to Kunugigaoka Junior High School. For some ridiculous reason the E classroom was up a mountain miles away from main campus. I guess the perfect place to hide a genetic engineering octopus bomb. But either way I settled in quickly.

The children here instantly took a liking to me and I loved them all in return. They were a wonderful class and teaching them about politics and history was amazing. Teaching there was a blast. Every time I would try to explain an event or a topic Koro-Sensei would dress up as the people involved and put on a mini play behind me.

Despite the less then optimal situation we were in, my life was settling in quite nicely with the Class and the Octo-bomb, as I came to call him.

But that then all changed the day Irina arrived. Or Bitch-Sensei as the students call her.

She would spend all her available time with My Tadomi. She would wear tramply outfits and act like a right sleazy cow around him. It look like she was trying to seduce him and I didn't help that the children were trying to help her.

See as Karasuma and I kept our relationship a secret they didn't know about us being together so hearing them talk all lesson about how they were going to try and get Irina and Karasuma together, well it eventually became to much.

"Class is over. Use the time I have given you wisely to study other subjects, or even come up with a new idea to stop Koro-Sensei. Great work today everybody, see you all later" And with that I left for the staff room.

Slumping down on my desk I pull out a random book from the pile and begin to read. However my mind wasn't on my book. It was currently watching Irina straddling Karasuma in the school field.

The bitch was doing what?!?

Slamming the book down on the table I growl at Irina desk, unable to growl at her in person. How dare she! Yeah I know she doesn't know about us being married but still. Have some respect you little harlot!

I must have been raging about that for longer than I thought because next thing I know Karasuma is walking into the room.
"(Y/n)? You okay baby? You finished your class early and you never do that?" He asked coming over to sit on my desk in front of me.

"Oh so now you actually care what I'm feeling?" I huff at him, crossing my arms.

"I always care. You know I do" He tells me trying to reach out for my hands.

"Yeah. About that promiscuous woman, Miss Irina. Aka Bitch-Sensei" I growl pulling my arms closer to my body and away from him.

He stops and then smiles at me. A small little laugh erupts from his lips and I just glare at him. Reaching over for my arm he pulls up so I'm standing in between his legs. He wraps his arms around my waist and twirls his legs around mine, effectively trapping me against him.
"Your jealous of Irina?" He asked

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