Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17. Harmony's P.O.V

Everyone was still shocked I got Carl to stop slavery. He let go of the vampires that were down in the basement and had Maria erase the girl's minds. Of course Carl has been thinking a lot about the hotel idea.

"Harmony?" I turn around to find him. He looked happier.

"Hey. How's the idea coming along?" I ask him. He smiled.

"We cleaned this place up pretty nice. I talked with a company and we start redecorating tomorrow." I gasp in surprise and smile.

"That's amazing! I'm happy you ended all of the slavery. I just wish that other places would stop too."

"I know. I mean I didn't realize until you came and comfronted me about it and I'm glad you did," he said.

"I have a question though. About the Royals?" Carl looked at me with a serious face.

"I'm not the biggest fan of them but you can ask."

"So I know the only way to join is if you have a special power but how come only specific vampires have them?" I ask.

"Usually you have to be turned by a vampire with a power therefore that runs in your veins and and get some type of power." I wonder if he has a power.

"What about the vampire who changed me? Did he have a power?" I ask.

"Yes. He did. He was known for telekinesis. Very good at it. I'm surprised you didn't see him use it."

"So that means I have a power? Why haven't I figured it out?" Now I was confused and curious.

"Well you're only a couple days old. No one finds their power right away. Took Maria 4 months, everyone was wondering why they didn't remember anything or anyone. She can also reverse it to. Every vampire is different. All you need to do is wait. I have to go throw our a plant, I'll be right back." He goes into a room and comes out with a dead flower. Poor thing.

"How long has it been dead?" I ask.

"A couple weeks. A friend fave it to me, but it's dead so I can't keep it now." I touch the dead flower to feel how crispy it was because of how dried out it is but something else happened. The stem was turning green and the flower was getting its color back.

"What's going on?" I ask confused.

"You brought the flower back to life. You have some kind of power that brings things back or maybe something else," Carl said. I was still shocked so I wasn't listening to what Carl was saying.

"Is it only plants I can bring back?" I ask.

"Probably not. Maybe you can bring anyone or anything back but for now I have something to discuss with the Royals."

"You're not going to tell them about my power are you?" I ask.

"Of course not. I actually have evidence that they're doing their own slave business," he said.

"What! All this time they told people that slavery was illegal for vampire's and now they do their own? I could convince them," I offered. I did get Carl to stop.

"No. It's to dangerous. They could take you," he said. He looked afraid.

"Alright I won't but you need to stop them. Try talking to them." Carl smiled and nodded. I watch as he walked away and disappear into the night. I sigh and make my way to Kit's room. I walk inside to see no one was here. I sit on the bed. I need to find a way to the Royals. I rummage through Kit's stuff to see if he had anything that involved them.

"Harmony?" I turn around to face Cara. This is awkward.

"Oh.... I'm hi Cara." She raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing going through my brother's stuff?" She asked.

"Oh I was um... looking for my necklace," I lied.

"You didn't come here with a necklace. Tell me the truth," she snapped.

"Fine I was looking for something that could tell me how to get to the Royals."

"Are you going there to tell them about Kit?" She asked. She looked a hockey and angry.

"What? What about Kit?" I ask.

"You know! His power to read minds. You're going to the Royals to tell the. I won't let you. I'll kill you before you go." She ran over to me and pushed me into the wall.

"That's not why I'm going," I said. But she didn't stop. She grabbed me by the neck and started squeezing off my air supply. (Yes vampires need air to breath)

"Pl... ease. St... op," I chocked out. The door to the bedroom opened and I felt Cara bring ripped off me. How was she strong? I was still a newborn vampire. I look to see the eye's of Kit and he wasn't happy.

~Oh yeah I updated. Gimme five lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Took me long enough right? Comment, Vote, or Share. Stay Beautiful!!!!

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