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Its after 5am, Alicia wakes up to the sounds of her baby Genesis cooing and kicking his little feet out in the middle of the bed.

Alicia kisses his face "Good Morning mommy's sweet baby"

Star walks from out the bathroom "Ah sleeping beauty awakes, I have you know your son woke me up, Emma brought him in here an hour ago"

Alicia chuckles:"He's usually up early in the morning when Prince is home"

Star sits on the side of the bed "He's a doll, how are you feeling?"

Alicia blinks her eyes "I'm ok just a little dizzy, what happened?"

Star:"Girl you got wasted last night, you don't remember?"

Alicia shakes her head "Very little, I know me and you went to the party, danced, and took shots"

Star:"Do you remember seeing Kasseem?"

Alicia:"Yeah I remember him showing me an engagement ring"

Star:"Engagement ring?, for who Shauntel?"

Alicia: "Yeah"

Star:"What else after that?"

Alicia:"Ummm...I think we kissed last night"

Star:"Girl you did more than kiss last night"


Star:"Alicia you fucked up last night, literally fucked up against the wall, I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked in on it, I just ran out the room"

Alicia:"What...but I don't remember...your saying Kasseem took advantage of me?"

Star:"You both were drunk, maybe it was consensual"

Alicia:"Oh no...oh my" She put her hands to her face and begin crying

Star:"Girl don't cry, I'm not saying anything about it to Andre"

Alicia:"Its over...Prince is going to leave me"

Star:"Are you going to tell him?, why the fuck would you do that, you don't even remember it happening"

Alicia:"I can't just lie to him?"

Star:"Girl don't do it, and risk losing everything"

Alicia:"Star you know I was never with him for his money"

Star:"Times have changed and Prince moving on up the ladder with his music, you need stability, if you lose him right now you'll be back at your mom house"

Alicia:"I make good at the venues I play for"

Star:"Yeah but thats at random"

Alicia:"I got to talk to Kasseem, my gosh this is sickening...ugggh"

Star:"Call him later, right now I'm going to hook up some breakfast" She leaves the room

Baby Genesis still cooing and wiggling, he rolled over on Alicia leg, she picks him up "Mommy baby rolling over, you rolling over" She kisses his cheek he smiles "Mommy sweet kisses yes it is"

Phone rings*



Alicia:"Hey babe"

Prince:"I hear my big boy in the phone"

Alicia:"Yeah I'm holding him in my lap"

Prince:"Why were you drinking so much last night?"

Alicia:"I didn't think I had that much, I started with rum and coke, my last drink I remember was a shot of 1800"

Prince:"1800, what the fuck? You don't drink heavy, Alicia thats too much"

Alicia:"It was stupid, I regret going to that party....babe I'm sorry..."

Prince:"How are you feeling?"

Alicia:"Head still spinning but I'm ok"

Prince:"No more partying without me"

Alicia:"I got it, I only want to party with you babe"

Prince:"I'll be home in two weeks"

Alicia:"Yay!!, can't wait....I miss you already, last week went so fast"

Prince:"It always does, are you booked this week?"

Alicia:"Yeah, when you come home I want to play you this new song I wrote, hope you like it"

Prince:"Have I not liked anything coming from you?"


Prince:"I bet its a beautiful song, we can put together the perfect sound to it"

Alicia:"Ok, we can do that"

Prince:"Alright baby I got to go, call you back later, kiss Gen for me, love you"

Alicia:"Love you too" she ends the call

Star shouts from the kitchen "Alicia come on your food getting cold"

Alicia gets out of bed with Gen in her arms and walks in the kitchen to join Star, she puts Gen in his high chair.

Alicia:"Star thank you for taking care of me last night and this morning, your sister probably worried about you by now"

Star:"I called her my baby is good, and she knows I'll be home in a few, every thing good with Prince?"

Alicia:"Yes he's not mad Thank God..." she grabs a bottle out the fridge and place on counter.

Star:"Honey, Gen man should be good for now he ate good an hour ago"

Alicia laughs "He can eat, look it those fat thighs"

Star:"He bigger than Ariana, and she's the oldest" she chuckles while tickling Gen feet.

Alicia:"Whew....I got a lot to do today"

Star:"It will not involve drinking hard liquor" she laughs

Alicia:"Oh no...never again"

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