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Prince and the crew resumes touring after Christmas break. After performing two shows him and Alicia walks back into the dressing room.

Elaine knocks on the dressing room and shouts "Prince!!" she hears moaning and giggling followed by thumping noises.

Elaine mumbles to herself and shakes her head "You got to be kidding me, Prince can you answer me please?"

Prince shouts back through the door "What??"

Elaine:"The buses are loaded and everyone is ready to depart, how much longer will you be?"

Prince:"Give us 10"

Elaine:"Alright" She walks away from the door

Meanwhile inside his dressing room Prince continues giving Alicia head on top of the loveseat.

Alicia:"Ahhh baby....we got to stop"

Prince:"Not yet baby, come for me"

Alicia:"Oh shit....." she moans

Prince:"Ummm.....your so damn wet"

Alicia:"Hold on baby.....ahhhh"she moans

Prince:"Say it"

Alicia:"Ahhh...." she grips his hair tight and bucks her hip.

Prince:"Say it, or I'll stop"

Alicia:"No....don't stop...I'm almost there"

Prince:"Tell me then"

Alicia:"Take it...take it all daddy" she moans

Prince:"Who's is it?"

Alicia:"It's.....ahhhh yours!!" she screams as she releases

Prince:"Hell yeah!!" He sucks up her release and starts licking in between her thighs, ending with a big kiss, he stands up.

Alicia sits up in the seat "Your such a freak"

Prince:"Did you really think you was going to walk by me in lingerie on stage without me getting a taste?, I appreciate your help tonight, you blended right in"

Alicia:"No problem but this is my second night performing with you, what's up with Gayle?"

Prince:"She says she hasn't been feeling well, I'm talking to her when we get back to the hotel, I think its an excuse"

Alicia:"You think so?"

Prince:"She's been acting funny"

Alicia:"Could it been the stage act?, I was told she felt uncomfortable with it"

Prince:"Who told you that?"


Prince:"After you scolded me, we agree to just do a few pecks on the cheek"

Alicia:"Damn right you better not ever have your tongue in another woman's mouth, I owe you a slap for that"

Prince:"Baby its just stage act, don't get so worked up, I'm happy kissing you instead" He kisses her

Alicia:"Good thing I packed my lingerie"

Prince:"Oh and about that, if I still need you to cover Gayle, I don't want you wearing that, we got to go shopping"

Alicia:"What??, why? your on stage in just your underwear, and Susan wears a teddy"

Prince:"Your my wife, I can't have you on stage in this, all the guys gawking at you, you pretty thick mama in all the right places...fuck you fine" He grabs her ass.

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