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A month and a half has passed since Prince and Alicia LA trip, things in the Nelson's home have been hectic. Alicia has been traveling back and forth to New York for music gigs, and Prince spends most of his time at the studio, making guest appearances, and interviews promoting his new album, and upcoming tour. He has been bonding more with their son Genesis, while Alicia was away. Prince sleeping in the guest room lasted 15 secs, no...maybe 2 nights, he found his way back in their bedroom. Alicia is still witholding love sessions, but they have been making out and taking showers together.

*Baby crying*

Alicia tries to calm him as she straps him in his car seat "Aww my baby wasn't feeling the fair, mommy so sorry"

Prince:"You got him strapped in?"

Alicia:"Yeah...but hold up a minute"

Baby crying*

Alicia reaches in the diaper bag and gets the baby orajel. She squeezes a dime size on her finger and massage baby Gen gums with in. He stops crying.

Alicia:"Babe his gums were bothering him, is that better baby boy....awww mommy make it better" She says to the baby.

Prince looks back at them and smile "My beautiful family, he's drifting off to sleep mama"

Alicia:"You can start the car up"

Prince:"Your in the backseat, come sit up front with me"

Alicia:"Prince we only live a few miles away, I'm fine back here with Gen"

Prince:"Baby come on, you know I like to hold your hand while I drive, who says we're going straight home?"

Alicia:"Where we going?"

Prince:"Join me up front and you will see"

Alicia:"You are so....boy I tell you the truth..alright" She gets out from the back seat and joins Prince up front, she notices he has the passenger seat heated sensor on"

Alicia:"Ooh thank you baby, it was so cold out there, this seat is warming my butt"

Prince:"I know and you were going to sit in the back" He starts the car and take off.

Alicia:"I would say he enjoyed  maybe the first ten minutes of the fair, babe he is still too young to understand its not like he can ride anything"

Prince:"The state fair is always a joy to go to, I wanted him to see the lights, and hear the fairy music from the rides"

Alicia:"Yeah well we wasn't able to get on any rides, but the food was hitting the spot"

Prince:"Yeah we can always go back just me and you, like old times, speaking of hitting spots.."

Alicia:"Uh uh nope...don't try it"

Prince takes Alicia hand and kiss the back of it. "When will you be ready again?"

Alicia:"Who says I'm not ready?"

Prince:"You reject me when I try"


Prince:"You don't miss it?"

Alicia:"Hell yeah I miss it, but I'm good for now"

Prince:"What are you doing tomorrow, I got a phone interview with the radio station"

Alicia:"Uh I got a doctors appointment at noon"

Prince:"Doctors appointment?, for what?, you just went to the doctor a couple of months ago"

Alicia:"Just for a check up"

Prince:"Is something wrong?, do you want me to go with you?"

Alicia:" nothing is wrong, just female stuff"

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