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Alicia wakes up the phone ringing


Star:"Alicia girl you still asleep? wake up!!"

Alicia:"Girl I'm up now, what time is it?" She rubs her eyes

Star:"It's 11 am, surprise your baby didn't wake you up"

Alicia:"I think Prince may have him downstairs, its quiet right now"

Star:"It's time for some retail therapy, let's go to the mall"

Alicia:"Girl what you shopping for?"

Star:"Any and everything, mainly for the music awards, I know you ain't missing out on that, its next week"

Alicia:"Oh shit Star I forgot all about it, yeah Prince is suppose to be nominated"

Star:"Yeah Andre excited about attending, I am too!!"

Alicia:"So are you two working things out?"

Star:"Yeah but he still in the dog house"

Alicia:"Alright let's meet at the mall in half an hour"

Star:"Ok see you soon" she ends the call

Alicia gets out of bed and shouts out for Prince, gets no answer. She walks through the house and notice its empty, baby Gen is not in his room.

Alicia:"Hmm he must have taken him for a ride, well guess I'll get ready to meet up with Star" She runs back upstairs to get ready.


Prince has returned home with baby Genesis. He goes upstairs and places him in his crib for a  nap. He hears the phone ringing and runs downstairs to answer it.


Owen:"Prince how are you?"

Prince:"Owen everything is fine, are you calling me with good news?"

Owen:" not good news"

Prince:"Oh no what is it?"

Owen:"Your collaboration on the Rick James tour is done, you will no longer be apart of his tour"

Prince:"That's good news to me, he was an asshole majority of the time, I have my own tour coming in a couple of months anyway"

Owen:"You didn't make the nominee ballot for the music awards"

Prince:"What the fuck?, you told me I made the list"

Owen:"You did make the list but out of the 10 from the list they cut it to 4 nominees, in that category you lost out to Michael Jackson"

Prince:"Wow.....ok so no chance at an award next week, so my music don't matter"

Owen:"Unfortunately no award, but on a lighter note you are still scheduled to make an appearance on the red carpet, attend the award show, and after party, your flight and hotel arrangements are already booked"

Prince:"Do I still have to appear?"

Owen:"Yes, why not?, listen Prince don't let this get you down, your making big strives, it will be other award shows and opportunities, you just continue working on the last few tracks for your album"

Prince:"I already got the songs written, just need to record"

Owen:"That's awesome, well I will touch base with you beginning of next week"

Prince:"Alright cool, talk with you later" He ends the call.

Prince sits at the dining room table in a daze, he hears the front door opening not long after Alicia walks in with shopping bags and place on the table

Alicia:" Hey babe I see you made it back in, where were you this morning?"


Alicia:"I know that much, where to?"

Prince flicks his hand up and sighs

Alicia:"What...what's wrong, are you ok?"

Prince:"Nothing...what's in the bags?"

Alicia:"Oh look at this dress I got from the mall"

Prince sits back in his chair. 

Prince:"I thought we was supposed to be saving money, I already asked you not to be splurgin out"

Alicia:"I know babe but it was on sale, I got Gen some stuff, and the watch I got you was on sale too"

Prince:"I don't give a damn if it was on sale you went out and bought a dress that you don't need"

Alicia:"I did need the dress, I thought we were going to the awards show, we are still going right?"

Prince:"Your not wearing that type of dress to an award show, you got several custom made unworn dresses in the closet, I don't know if we are going anymore"

Alicia:"Babe why are you so salty?, Oh and by the way my car is due for tune up and air filter, I need to take more money out the account until I get paid next week"

Prince:" I'm not doing this shit again if you knew you had maintenance to be done on the car, you should not have bought that dress, borrow some money from Macy's and Saks"

Alicia:"I thought you said you always got my back, I don't like how you coming at me"

Prince:"I do have your back but I'm not going to have your back on some dumb shit, sometimes you do things that is not the best decision makes me wonder if you were ready to be a wife"

Alicia:"Excuse me, are you saying I'm not good enough to be your wife?"

Prince:"That's not what I said"

Alicia:"Yes the fuck you did"

Prince:"I'm not going back and forth on your assumptions, your behavior is going to put us in debt"

Alicia:"Are you serious?, with all the lavish wine dine Hollywood shit you buy and bring home know what its not that serious I'll take the clothes back and the watch" She gathers the shopping bags, and leaves the room

Prince sucks his teeth and shakes his head watching her leave the room upset he says "She sure is a piece of work"

A/N Is Prince overreacting or just in his feelings about the nomination?  Should he apologize?

Stay tuned......

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